Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering and Electrochemical Processes 2024

6 - 8 May 2024
Congress Center Würzburg

The conference provides a platform for scientific exchange between experts in these two disciplines as well as networking between academic groups and industry. We invite scientists from industry, research institutions and universities, to share and discuss their work and learn about the latest developments. The 2024 edition of the Annual Meeting is jointly organized by the DECHEMA/VDI Subject Divisions Reaction Engineering and Electrochemical Processes.

In 2024 the conference will follow the trend summarized by the heading "Electrifying the Chemical Industry". The joint annual meeting will provide the opportunity for both communities to describe and discuss electrification from their perspective and to identify synergies.

Both groups selected the following five focus topics for this annual meeting:

  1. Kinetics and Mass- and Energy-Transport
  2. Reactor- and Cell-Design and Scale-up
  3. Diagnostics across scales
  4. Process Dynamics
  5. Industrial Applications

The conference programme is also covering the entire spectrum of topics of reaction engineering and electrochemical processes.

Four plenary lectures given by international renowned scientists, a poster party and a conference dinner will provide the framework for stimulating discussions and talks.

Last Minute Posters can be registered until 5th April 2024.


Conference Programme

Plenary Speakers


Social Events

Exhibitors & Sponsors

Young Talent Award & Poster Awards

Book of Abstracts

Image source: Adobe Stock/Sergey Ryzhov

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