

Accompanying and networking project for the BMBF funding measure "Resource-efficient circular economy - plastic recycling technologies (KuRT)"


March 2023

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The objective of the BMBF funding measure KuRT is to improve the closed-loop recycling of plastics. This is to be achieved through the development of intelligent utilisation concepts, the (further) development of innovative recycling processes (e.g. mechanical, chemical recycling and combined processes) in order to enable a significant increase in the current recycling and reuse rates for plastics, the research and development of new products and processes, and improved logistics and collection. The funding measure aims to further develop model circular economy solutions for important ap-plication areas such as packaging, building products, electrical and electronic equipment, vehicles and commercial waste towards large-scale implementation and practical solutions. The primary goals of the KuRT_Plus accompanying and networking project, which is coordinated by DECHEMA, are the targeted networking of the collaborative projects funded within the framework of the BMBF funding measure KuRT, the analysis and synthesis of the research results from the funded collaborative projects, the presentation of the overarching, scientifically sound contribution of the KuRT funding measure with regard to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (especially SDG 8, 9 and 12), supporting the collaborative projects in the transfer of research results into industrial practice, and the establishment of cross-project public relations work.

Katja Wendler -425

Celine Schielke -558

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