From the understanding of chemical reactions on the molecular level to the knowledge of materials, from product design to the contribution of chemistry to sustainability and innovation
Diskutiert werden sollen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten zur Schließung von Kreisläufen für Metalle, Batterien und Kunststoffe sowie Fragestellungen...
"Chances and Opportunities for Marine Biotechnology and Bioeconomy" Marine resources play a significant role in addressing many of the challenges...
It will be presented at the Annual German Catalysis Meeting on June 28, 2022 in Weimar / Germany.
At the 30 th anniversary ATC 2022: Industrial Inorganic Chemistry - Materials and Processes, experts from industry and academia will present and discuss...
“Perspective Europe 2030 - Technology options for CO2- emission reduction of hydrogen feedstock in ammonia production” is an in-depth study by DECHEMA, commissioned by Fertilizers Europe, analyzing the options for existing European ammonia plants to reduce CO2-emissions with a focus on 2030 and with additional insights to 2050.
Professor Dr. Robert Franke, Evonik, receives the Otto-Roelen Medal 2022. The award ceremony will take place on June 28th, 2022 during the Annual Meeting of German Catalysis Scientists.