Current positions on topics of chemical technology, biotechnology, education and interdisciplinary issues
(June 2024)
A sufficient supply of efficient, durable, and scalable electrolyzers is needed to enable the hydrogen ramp-up in line with the goals of Germany’s National Hydrogen Strategy. Although there are already large electrolyzers on the market today that work efficiently and over long periods of time, their production is at least partly manual. This is where H2Giga enters the picture.
(November 2023)
In order to meet global challenges with sustainable developments, the United Nations has defined 17 global Sustainable Development Goals. As an interdisciplinary cross-sectional technology and a key scientific discipline, catalysis can make significant contributions to several of these goals. The newly published Roadmap of German Catalysis Research presents the role of catalysis for these topics.
(September 2023)
The Roadmap on Chemical Reaction Engineering was developed by experts of the DECHEMA/VDI Subject Division "Chemical Reaction Engineering".
(August 2022)
The DECHEMA position paper describes the effects of miniaturization, automation and digitization on laboratories and the development of biotechnological processes and products. The authors recommend to focus on the convergence of these trends to exploit their full potential.
(March 2022)
The aim of the new position paper "Waste Incineration in the Future" is to create a factually sound basis for the discussion on the future role of thermal waste treatment in the Circular Economy.
(February 2022)
“Perspective Europe 2030 - Technology options for CO2- emission reduction of hydrogen feedstock in ammonia production” is an in-depth study by DECHEMA, commissioned by Fertilizers Europe, analyzing the options for existing European ammonia plants to reduce CO2-emissions with a focus on 2030 and with additional insights to 2050.
Download as PDF file (3419 kB)(October 2021)
This supplement to the recommendations for process engineering characterisation (2nd edition, published December 2020) provides experimental methods for a further important parameter, the kLa(CO2).
(April 2021)
Does today's process simulation meet the requirements posed by increasing digitalisation up to the "digital twin"? This question is addressed by the experts of the ProcessNet working committee Process Simulation, Process Synthesis and Knowledge Processing in their current position paper "Process Simulation - Fit for the Future?
(December 2020)
In the AAF working committee experts in the field of Chemistry, Aerosol Physics and Engineering Sciences deal with questions on the origin, the spreading, the composition, and the impact of particulate matter in the environment. Many aspects of these works do also matter in the current pandemic. In a position paper the AAF analyses the aerosole transmission pathway in the corona pandemic more closely. The experts take a look at countermeasures and explain how masks, airing, air cleaning and overhead exhaust systems can reduce the aerosole load and thereby thr virus transmission.
Download as PDF file (246 kB)(December 2020)
These recommendations provide suitable experimental methods for the process engineering characterisation of single-use bioreactors and mixers.
(July 2020)
In the case of a defossilised chemical industry, what requirements must future energy infrastructures meet by 2050? This question was investigated by the project partners TNO, DECHEMA, VITO and DVGW in their study. [more]
Download as PDF file (2389 kB)(March 2020)
Experts from the working group “Single-use technology in biopharmaceutical manufacturing” investigate the technical risks and questions associated with continuous biomanufacturing using single-use equipment.
(September 2019)
2. revised edition
The Escherichia coli model process described in the recommendation also makes it possible to characterise the biological performance of a system. The standardised process aims to determine the performance of bioreactors, in particular single-use bioreactors, and to evaluate their suitability for microbial applications. Since microbial processes place high demands on the bioreactor system with regard to oxygen transfer, this is of particular importance; another important parameter is heat removal.
The associated Excel tool offers the possibility of a standardised evaluation, so that a comparison across bioreactor systems is possible. Calculations, e.g. of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, will be performed automatically after input of the raw data.
Recommendation and Excel tool were developed by the "Single-Use Microbial" working group of DECHEMA's expert group "Single-Use Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing".
(January 2019)
The BMBF-funded research and development programme ‘Technologies for Sustainability and Climate Protection – Chemical Processes and Use of CO2’ ran from 2010 to the end of 2016 and covered the following main areas: ‘Using CO2 as a feedstock for the chemical industry’, ‘Chemical energy storage’ and ‘Energy-efficient processes’. Each of these main areas is accompanied in this final report by a review article that pro-vides a comprehensive overview of the topic. The 33 projects that received funding have been classified into these three main areas or clusters. A short article has been provided for each research project and focuses on presenting the central results of the project. In the ‘Energy-efficient processes’ cluster, the review article, which covers the subject of carbon capture, serves as an example of the very diverse range of projects grouped in this part of the report.
Download as PDF file (9575 kB)(November 2018)
With the new guideline "Incident Investigation", the ProcessNet Working Committee Lessons from Process Safety Incidents provides safety experts from small and medium-sized enterprises with a tool to analyze non-notifiable incidents and near misses and to derive measures for the future. The guideline describes the steps from the composition of the investigation team to the analysis method and the definition of measures to the communication of the learnings from the incident.
Download as PDF file (417 kB)(March 2018)
The 34-page brochure published by the German Catalysis Society (GeCatS) contains not only the essential basics but also the key topics of modern catalysis research for teachers and learners. GeCatS thus makes a recommendation as to which topics should be covered in catalysis training and how these can be integrated into Master's programmes as well as into doctoral and postdoctoral training courses.
Download as PDF file (972 kB)(March 2018)
The biopharmaceutical industry has developed rapidly in recent decades, with biotechnologically manufactured drugs are at the top both in new approvals and new fields of application. Various trends such as the production of biosimilars have led to a real boom in new production facilities in recent years.
Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly planning and constructing more flexible, smaller plants to meet the demand. These flexible Facilities of the Future (FoF) often use single-use systems. The Status Paper of the DECHEMA working group “Single-use technology in biopharmaceutical manufacturing” is an introduction in the field.
(March 2018)
For climate protection in the global raw materials change - Position paper of the ProcessNet Working Group “Alternative Liquid and Gaseous Fuels”
Download as PDF file (478 kB)(September 2017)
Geobiotechnology does not only contribute to the remeditation of soil and mining waters. It offers also significant potential for the exploitation of resources from primary deposits as well as tailings and heaps and for recycling. The status paper by the Temporary Working Group Geobiotechnology gives an overview on the current status of research and technology and discusses perspectives for the further development. Relevant stakeholders in Germany and educational courses are also listed.
(July 2017)
The report "Low carbon energy and feedstock for the European chemical industry", prepared by the German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA) and released by the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) looks into technology options and pathway scenarios to ensure low-carbon, yet competitive European chemical industry by 2050. The study focuses on the main chemical building blocks used in upstream large volume production processes (ammonia, methanol, ethylene, propylene, chlorine and the aromatics benzene, toluene and xylene), which represent about 2/3 of all GHG emissions of the chemical sector.
Download as PDF file (9192 kB)(July 2017)
In order to meet the growing demand for and exploit the potential of phytoextracts for food, pharmaceutical or agrochemical applications, a coordinated research approach with adequate public funding is mandatory. In its current position paper “Phytoextracts – Proposal towards a new and comprehensive research focus”, the ProcessNet sub-division “Phytoextracts – Products and processes” outlines the state of research and technology and gives recommendations for research targets and approaches
Download as PDF file (4346 kB)(June 2017)
Raw Water – Process – Waste Water
Global changes in water availability and the manifold regulatory frameworks have already prompted many companies to develop ambitious strategies to improve their water usage efficiency. This requires a combination of know-how and process technology, embedded in integrated industrial water management solutions.
Due to the high innovation potential of an integrated industrial water management the ProcessNet Subject Division Production-Integrated Water/Waste Water Technology has developed a position paper to highlight the trends and perspectives in industrial water technology.
(May 2017)
With this 2nd edition of the Roadmap the ProcessNet subject division Chemical Reaction Engineering addresses the general trend that Chemical Reaction Engineering is directly defining product quality and product properties and, thus, is getting directly involved in the development of innovative application characteristics of products. To an increasing extent Chemical Reaction Engineering is also a key for the process and product development of industrial sectors outside the chemical industry such as energy technology or automotive engineering. Chemical Reaction Engineering is not anymore only devoted to understand, design and optimize chemical reactors in terms of yield, energy and efficiency. In addition, it is a key enabler for product innovations and new business concepts through e.g. product by process approaches or modular plant concepts.
All the aspects mentioned before are considered now in the 2nd edition of the roadmap including case studies, technical chapters and an outlook updated accordingly.
(December 2016)
The present White Paper „Modular Plants“ was developed in the temporary ProcessNet working group „Modular Systems“ in a close cooperation between industry and research institutions. It provides the current state of the joint efforts to improve the modularisation of plant technology in the chemical industry. The paper calls for a standardization of the nomenclature for modular production concepts to provide the basis for a wide industrial application of the technology. It points out obstacles but also possible development paths of modularisation and weighs its strengths against risks. Furthermore, research needs and funding actions are identified that are necessary for the further implementation of modular system concepts. A translation of the text into German is planned and publication should be done at the same place.
Download as PDF file (1062 kB)(May 2016)
Research in the field of adhesives is a key factor in the development of innovative products in many industries. However, there is still a need for extensive research in order to enable the use of adhesives in production processes to be managed more effectively and to enable the service life of bonded joints to be predicted more reliably. The roadmap outlines current and future areas of research in adhesive technology and provides orientation for application-oriented R&D.
Download as PDF file (817 kB)(February 2016)
These recommendations of Working Group Upstream Processing of the DECHEMA expert group “Single-use technology in biopharmaceutical manufacturing” aim to select suitable experimental methods for the characterisation of single-use bioreactors (SUB) and mixers (SUM). The described methods are applicable to a broad range of of single-use systems and applications. The guidelines can also be used for the engineering characterisation of reusable systems. Furthermore, these process engineering characterisation methods intend to offer manufacturers and operators of SUB and SUM a uniform set of methods and instruments through validated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
Download as PDF file (1488 kB)(November 2015)
What is the role of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) in industrial water management? This question is answered by the ProcessNet Expert Group “Production-Integrated Water/Waste Water Technology”, in cooperation with the DGMT-DME “Committee Water Future” (AWZ) in their discussion paper. Experts warn about excessive expectations in ZLD related to economical and ecological perspectives. Pros and cons are listed in the discussion paper and decision paths are outlined for industrial application.
Download as PDF file (434 kB)(September 2015)
New production systems and innovative manufacturing methods such as single-use technologies bring about new challenges for quality control of biopharmaceutical production processes. In its most recent publication, the DECHEMA Working Group “Single-use technology in biopharmaceutical manufacturing” gives recommendations for a risk analysis of these processes. Based on prior publications, the compact paper lists the regulatory background as well as potential risks related to material, processes, or products. An example of an industrial application shows how risk values can be defined and risk levels calculated in order to determine appropriate countermeasures. This recommendation is based on an article in Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. The original publication is available at
Download as PDF file (229 kB)(March 2015)
Energy storage systems for the energy transition: Position Paper of the Joint Working group on Chemical Energy Research. Fundamental research for new storage technologies, a data base for the economic evaluation and an integrated system including electricity, heat and mobility are required in order to implement the energy transition successfully. A comprehensive article supplementing the position paper has been published in Chemie Ingenieur Technik (access via
Download as PDF file (289 kB)(January 2014)
Today, single-use technology is used routinely in biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing processes. Besides many advantages, the available single-use systems still have limitations. One of the most cited disadvantages is the risk for release of potentially toxic or inhibitory substances, so-called leachables from the plastic bags. The bags are typically made of multi-layer thermoplastic films. Until now, no standardized cell culture test was available to identify critical bag films at an early stage in process development. To meet this need, a sub-team of the DECHEMA temporary working group "Single-Use Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing" developed a standardized cell culture test that would enable the early identification of non-satisfactory films for cultivation of CHO cell lines in chemically defined culture media.
Download as PDF file (768 kB)(June 2013)
The Technology Roadmap "Energy and GHG Reductions in the Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes" explores how the chemicals sector can harness catalysis and other related technology advances to improve on energy efficiency in its production processes. Furthermore, it evaluates how continuous improvements and breakthrough technology options can affect energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emission rates in the chemical sector. Measures from policy makers, investors, academia and the sector to facilitate developments in catalytic technology and implement its potential around the globe are also described. The roadmap has been jointly developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and DECHEMA to demonstrate the role catalytic processes can play to improve the chemicals sector's energy and GHG emissions intensity.
Download as PDF file (2458 kB)(October 2012)
Supplement to the Roadmap for Catalysis Research in Germany published by the German Catalysis Society
Download as PDF file (1629 kB)(May 2012)
Mineral, renewable and secondary raw material processing - current engineering challenges Policy document issued by the ProcessNet Subject Divisions: »»Comminution / Classification »»Interfacially Dominated Systems and Processes »»Mechanical Liquid Separation
Download as PDF file (1608 kB)(March 2012)
Download as PDF file (1165 kB)(October 2011)
Status paper issued by the DECHEMA/VCI Working Group "Responsible Production and Use of Nanomaterials"
Download as PDF file (843 kB)(January 2010)
Download as PDF file (637 kB)(May 2007)
Renowned experts from academia and industry were invited to contribute to an expert paper which outlines the perspectives of a KBBE within the next 20 years. The resulting so-called 'Cologne Paper' was published on 30 May 2007 in Cologne on behalf of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Download as PDF file (255 kB)(March 2007)
– the contribution of chemistry –
Download as PDF file (387 kB)(January 2002)
2. Auflage aus dem Jahre 2002 , Fachgemeinschaft Bildung und Innovation