At DECHEMA, ‘Bioeconomy’ is where biology and technology meet. The exchange of ideas among biologists, chemists, engineers and colleagues from related fields in our working groups facilitates early detection of the industrial potential of research results. The disciplines involved range from molecular-oriented basic research in bioinformatics, chemical biology, natural products research, and systems and synthetic biology through to bioprocess engineering, industrial biotransformations, and applied research in food and algae biotechnology.
The Biotechnology Section also hosts the Committee on Education in Biotechnology, the Zukunftsforum for young scientists, and the Association of German Biotechnology Companies (VBU). The section also initiates and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration through co-operations with other organizations, including joint working groups. A large number of conferences and workshops promote communication among researchers, developers, and users.
26. - 28.04.2023
35. Irseer Naturstofftage
Taking biotech research to the next level
Biotechnologie 2040 (web-Publikation)
Faktenpapier Züchtung von Nutzpflanzen
Bioelektrosynthese als essentieller Baustein der Bioökonomie
Neuer Schub für die Biotechnologie
Revisionsbedürftig? - Rechte und Pflichten akademischer Nachwuchsführungskräfte
(Stellungnahme des ZF Biotechnologie)
Smarte Sensoren für die Biotechnologie
Ausbildung in der Biotechnologie - Empfehlungen für grundständige Studiengänge
Positionspapier Innovationsmotor Synthetische Biologie
"Die nächste biotechnologische Revolution" in der Jubiläumsausgabe der Plattform Life Sciences
BioBall (utilization of waste material flows under the specific conditions of a densely populated, industrialized metropolitan region)
Biosprint (Process intensification in the utilization of C5/C6 sugars from hemicellulose fractions, their dehydration to 5-HMF or furfural and application in new resol and novolac resins and Mannich polyols.)
CAFIPLA (Development of a platform for the extraction of fatty acids and fibers from biogenic residues and waste materials and further conversion to economically relevant compounds)
EvaChem (Development of a workable multi-criteria system for evaluating chemical production.)
ForceYield (Tailored central metabolism for stoichiometrically enforced high-yield bioproduction of chemicals from agricultural wastes.)
Transformate (Process development from electrochemical CO2 production and synthetic biology for the production of PHB and crotonic acid.)
VOLATILE (new value chains based on municipal and industrial biowaste)
Current biotechnology research projects at DECHEMA Research Institute