The EuroMOF conferences are biannual meetings in Europe bringing together experts from academia and industry in the fields of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers. The conference series is initiated by DECHEMA, who is also the owner of the conference series name.
Together with the International Scientific Committee (ISC), DECHEMA maintains the quality of the series. The current International Scientific Committeee was elected during the 5th EuroMOF conference in Granada. Prof. Dr. Jorge Andres Rodriguez Navarro was appointed as new chairmen by the ISC. The results of the vote are displayed at International Scientific Committee.
The 6th EuroMOF will be organised by Dr. Pantelis Trikalitis and Prof. Dr. George E. Froudakis (both from University of Crete) take place the at the Conference Center of Heraklion in Crete/ Greece.
More information on (available from August 2025)
Metal-Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers are an important new class of highly nanoporous materials with extremely high specific surface areas (above 6000 m2/g) exceeding that of traditional porous solids (zeolites, activated carbon). The modular construction principles render this class of materials as ideal for tailor made applications in gas storage, energy storage, separation, environmental protection, sensing and biology etc.
Topics of the EuroMOF conferences are:
• Nanoporous Materials: MOFs, COFs, PIMs, PAFs, ZIFs, PCP, CTF, ...
• Synthesis and Characterisation
• Adsorption, Gas Storage, Separation
• Catalysis, Photocatalysis
• Optical Properties, Sensing
• Conductivity
• Biological Functions
We like to thank Prof. Dr. Paolo Falcaro (Graz University of Technology/ Austria), Prof. Dr. Francesc X. Llabres I Xamena (Technical University of Valencia/ Spain), Lillerud, Prof. Karl Petter, University of Oslo/ Norway, Dr. Philip Llewellyn (TOTAL, Pau/ France), Prof. Guillaume Maurin (Université Montpellier/ France), Dr. Marco Ranocchiari (ETH Zurich/ Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Arne Thomas (TU Berlin/ Germany), Prof. Dr. Monique A. van der Veen (Delft University of Technology/ The Netherlands) for their contribution during the last four years.
Asgari, Dr. Mehrdad, University of Cambridge/ UK
Avci, Prof. Seda Keskin, Koc University Istanbul/ Turkey
Colombo, Prof. Valentina, Institution Iniversità degli Studi/ Italy
Dietzel, Prof. Pascal, University of Bergen/ Norway
Froudakis, Prof. Dr. George E., University of Crete/ Greece
Galli, Prof. Dr. Simona, University of Insubria, Como/ Italy
Kaskel, Prof. Dr. Stefan, TU Dresden/ Germany
Matoga, Prof. Dariusz, Jagiellonian University, Krakow/ Poland
Rodriguez Navarro, Prof. Dr. Jorge Andres, Universidad de Granada/ Spain (chairperson)
Serre, Prof. Dr. ChristianUniversite de Versailles/ France
Tan, Prof. Jin-Chong, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Trikalitis, Dr. Pantelis, University of Crete/ Greece
Tsang, Dr. Min Ying, Lukasiewicz PORT, Wroclaw/ Poland
Wuttke, Prof. Dr. Stefan BCMaterials, Leioa/ Spain
For further information on the responsibilities and and election process, please download our Guidelines
6th EuroMOF
21-24 September 2025
Cultural – Conference Center of Heraklion/ Greece, organised by the University of Crete
5th EuroMOF
24-27 September 2023
Granada Conference Center, Granada/ Spain
4th EuroMOF
13-15 September 2021
Virtual Event, organised by Jagiellonian University, Krakow/ Poland
3rd EuroMOF
27-30 October 2019
Maison de la Chimie, Paris/ France
2nd EuroMOF
29 October-1 November 2017
Delft University of Technology/ The Netherlands
1st EuroMOF
11-14 October 2015
Kongresshotel Potsdam/ Germany