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BioSPRINT aims at utilising and valorising hemicelluloses (HMC), pursuing intensified processing steps and technologies towards ‘zero-waste’ bio-based operations and applying an integrated biorefinery concept that embodies the cascading principle to create new HMC -derived products, so as to maximise conversion of the lignocellulosic biomass feedstock and its by-products, side streams and residual streams into higher added-value products. The BioSPRINT philosophy is based on valorising the previously-discarded or costly side streams (thus ‘closing the loop’). BioSPRINT overall project objective is to develop, test and validate Process Intensification (PI) methods (up to TRL 4-5) for sustainable and cost-effective purification and conversion of sugars from the HMC fraction of lignocellulosic biomass to obtain bio-renewable furan-based resins for novel polymeric applications.
Christina Andreeßen -258
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