

CAFIPLA - Combining carboxylic acid production and fibre recovery as an innovative, costeffective and sustainable pre-treatment process for heterogeneous bio-waste

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CAFIPLA will unlock the potential of currently un(der)used biogenic waste streams (further referred to as bio-waste) as feedstock for the bio-economy by implementing an innovative and pragmatic approach to biomass pre-treatment. As opposed to the current bio-economy schemes dominated by sugar-based transformations, the CAFIPLA project relies on the combination of a Carboxylic Acid Platform (CAP) and Fibre Recovery Platform (FRP), to valorise biomass into biochemicals, bioproducts, feed and biomaterials. The CAFIPLA project will research and implement new value chains using heterogeneous biowaste as input, relying on the expertise of the 13 project partners.

Christina Andreeßen -258


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