

Carbon capture from syngas to Single Cell Protein (SCP) and use as fish feed ingredient


September 2023

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SynoProtein aims to develop and demonstrate a carbon-negative process that converts residues from sawmills into single-cell proteins for fish feed, as well as producing biochar for animal feed. By transforming low-value by-products into high-value bio-products, SynoProtein will provide a sustainable alternative protein source to soybean cultivation, which is energy and climate intensive, and wild fish protein resources, which are limited. It will thus help to meet future protein demand, while analysing environmental impacts of and adding value to sawmill residue management and aquaculture. The main objectives are (1) to develop a zero-emission process integrating thermochemical (pyrolysis) and biological (fermentation) steps, scale up single-cell protein production to pilot scale, (2) to investigate the suitability of the single-cell proteins and biochar for aquaculture and agriculture feed, (3) to quantify carbon storage and use, assess environmental impacts and analyse the life cycle for the entire value chain – from forestry to feed production and (4) to disseminate results to stakeholders, raise public awareness and develop a business plan for market entry.” The SynoProtein project joins together a consortium of 11 partners from industry, academia, and research institutes, covering the whole SynoProtein value chain, from four different European countries (Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Germany) and with worldwide operation with their sister companies.

Dr. Christina Andreeßen: -531

Dr. Karoline Wowra: -663

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