(Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development


A number of awards will be presented during the conference "(Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development":



The DECHEMA Prize is awarded in recognition of outstanding scientific achievements in DECHEMA’s sphere of interest which are of fundamental importance and serve as an impetus for innovative developments. Preference is given to the work of younger, early career scientists who, for instance, do not yet hold a permanent professorship or a comparable position in a research institution or industry.

ProcessNet Medals

ProcessNet invites applications for the Gerhard Damköhler Medal, the Emil Kirschbaum Medal and the Hans Rumpf Medal, which are awarded every two years for outstanding achievements in the fields of chemical, thermal and mechanical process engineering.


By resolution of the 1955 General Assembly of the Research Society for Process Engineering, the Arnold Eucken Medal was created as a special form of honour for deserving personalities in the fields of development, research or teaching of process engineering.

ESBES - European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences Award

The European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences offers a prestigious award to a promising young scientist or engineer working in the field of biochemical engineering. Since 2020, the ESBES Award honours the memory of the founding father, Professor Malcolm Lilly, of biochemical engineering, and recognises outstanding PhD thesis of scientific publications by students or early carrier researchers in the field of biochemical engineering.

This year, the ESBES Award will be presented in Aachen, at the joint event of the 13th ESBES symposium together with the annual meetings of ProcessNet and DECHEMA-BioTechNet.

PhD students and postdocs in the field of biochemical engineering are invited to submit a one-page abstract for consideration by 10 April 2022 via the online paper submission.
Please tick the appropriate box when submitting your contribution if you wish to apply for the ESBES Award.

The abstracts will be reviewed by a jury, and shortlisted candidates will be selected to present an oral lecture in a special session on 14 September 2022.
After the final jury decision, the winner of the prestigious ESBES Award will be announced and honoured on 15 September.

DECHEMA Student Awards

The DECHEMA student awards are granted anually to graduates in Technical Chemistry, Chemical Process Engineering and Biotechnology. Only graduates who distinguish themselves by completing their studies in a particular short time and achieving outstanding results are eligible. This award was established by the Board of DECHEMA in 1993 as a contribution towards increasing efficiency at German universities.

DECHEMAX Schools Competition

Founded in 1999, the rationale for the Schools Club is to fire pupils' interest in science and technology by demonstrating that it can be fun. Every year around 9,000 pupils from all over Germany take part in the DECHEMAX Schools Competition and, in doing so, interesting projects give them an idea of how chemistry and technology are part and parcel of our daily life. Science days and colloquia inform them about novel developments in research and technology, while providing an interesting addition to lessons in school. At the Open Day pupils experience a day in the life of a young scientist at the Karl Winnacker Institute. Additionally, club members receive invitations to ACHEMA and other interesting activities at

BASF-Poster Award

BASF as an innovative chemical company offers a BASF poster award for the outstanding poster contribution addressing the “Transformation of the Chemical Industry”; including e.g. greenhouse gas emission avoidance, recycling or renewable raw materials.


A distinguished scientist closely related to the journal Chemie Ingenieur Technik is invited to present the CIT-lecture, a comprehensive authoritative review of the chemical engineering science in his or her field of specialization. Selection is based on the quality and relevance of the accomplishments and the communication skills of the lecturer.

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