
Zeolites meet RDM - Research Data Management for Porous Materials

8. November 2022
Online Event

Advances in data science and machine learning led to breakthroughs in many technological fields such as computer vision or voice recognition. Inspired by such breakthroughs, data science techniques are also increasingly applied in the research on porous materials. These advances also challenge our view on research data and how we manage and publish our experimental and computational data. As a result, all major funding agency and journals adapt their funding and publishing guidelines accordingly, requiring increasingly detailed research data management plans and openly available raw and meta data information published in suitable repositories. To cope with these requirements, we will introduce research data management tools for the whole data life cycle, that are specifically designed for the work with zeolites, MOFs and related porous materials. In the second part of our workshop, we will focus on the opportunities of exploiting our research data for porous materials, promising to accelerate the development of new materials.

The workshop is addressed to doctoral researchers and postdocs working both in experimental and computational studies on zeolites, MOFs and related porous materials. In addition, the participants will obtain the opportunity to exchange their own experiences and discuss with the speakers.


Workshop Programme/Speaker



More information on the programme will follow.

The workshop will be streamed via Zoom.



Registration is limited and will be handled by "First come, first serve".

Bildquelle: KIT


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