36. Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung together with Jahrestreffen Adsorption

Exhibitors and Sponsors

Platin Sponsor


CarboTech Group

WORLD LEADING FULL-SERVICE PROVIDER OF ACTIVATED CARBONSThe CarboTech Group is one of the world's leading full-service providers of high-quality powdered, granulated and extruded activated carbons. At our production site in the heart of the Ruhr area, activated carbons, activated coke and carbon molecular sieves are produced, refined and packaged from hard coal, coconut coal and charcoal. As the market leader with over 60 years of experience in the reactivation and use of activated carbon for a wide range of different applications, we are always the competent solution provider for our customers.This includes not only the selection of the right activated carbon, but also our comprehensive 360° service package, from which our customers can individually select the components they need. The service principle for our customers is: everything from a single source - everything as simple as possible.  QUALITY, EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY Our globally unique fluidized bed process guarantees our customers highly effective activated carbon with consistent quality, excellent service life and high efficiency. Another step towards expanding our range of services and reducing our carbon footprint was the addition of a brand new multi-chamber vehicle to our service fleet. This enables loaded activated carbon to be exchanged for fresh carbon in a single appointment. In terms of a functioning and sustainable circular economy, our focus is always on reactivating the loaded used carbons and then returning them to the utilization cycle.Let us find out what CarboTech can do for you. Our sales experts look forward to hearing from you: or by telephone on +49 (0) 201 - 248 9900.

Gold Sponsor


Anton Paar Germany GmbH

Anton Paar entwickelt, produziert, vertreibt und bietet Anwendungs-Know-how, Support und Service für analytische Instrumente, die in Forschung, Entwicklung und Qualitätskontrolle für Labor- und Prozessanwendungen weltweit eingesetzt werden.
Anton Paar beschreitet ständig neue Wege, um hochpräzises Engineering mit wissenschaftlicher Neugier zu verbinden. Das Unternehmen ist Weltmarktführer auf dem Gebiet der Dichte- und Konzentrationsmessung, der Bestimmung von gelöstem CO2 und der Rheologie.


Linde GmbH, Linde Engineering

Linde ist ein weltweit führendes Industriegase- und Engineering-Unternehmen mit einem Umsatz von 33 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2023. Wir leben für unsere Mission, die Welt produktiver zu machen, jeden Tag, indem wir hochwertige Lösungen, Technologien und Dienstleistungen anbieten, die unsere Kunden erfolgreicher machen. Wir tragen dazu bei, unsere Umwelt zu dekarbonisieren und damit unseren Planeten zu bewahren.
Weitere Informationen über das Unternehmen und seine Produkte und Dienstleistungen finden Sie unter

Silber Sponsor


W. R. Grace & Co.

W. R. GRACE & CO. (Grace), a Standard Industries company, is a leading global supplier of catalysts, engineered materials and fine chemicals. We provide innovative products, technologies and services that our customers use to manufacture everyday products like renewable fuels, pharmaceuticals, toothpaste, cosmetics, food packaging, beer, edible oils and more. Our thousands of employees help shape a better future at our global headquarters in Columbia, Maryland, USA and locations worldwide. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn at

George-Kokotailo Poster award sponsor



Clariant is a focused specialty chemical company led by the overarching purpose of “Greater chemistry – between people and planet.” By connecting customer focus, innovation, and people the company creates solutions to foster sustainability in different industries. Clariant operates through three Business Units: Care Chemicals, Catalysts, and Adsorbents & Additives. Clariant’s headquarters is based in Switzerland.

Poster Award Sponsor


Chemiewerk Bad Köstritz GmbH

Das Chemiewerk Bad Köstritz ist ein Hersteller von anorganischen Spezialchemikalien. Seit mehr als 180 Jahren fertigen wir an unserem Standort in Thüringen hochwertige Materialien für Anwender verschiedenster Branchen.
Neben Kieselsäureerzeugnissen und Schwefelverbindungen produzieren wir unter dem Markennamen Köstrolith® zeolithische Spezialmaterialien für die hochselektive Stofftrennung oder thermochemische Anwendungen. Eine eigene R&D-Abteilung unterstützt die Bereitstellung kundenangepasster Produkte.


3P Instruments_web

3P Instruments

3P Instruments stands for the comprehensive characterization of particles, powders and pores as well as optimized sorption technology ‘Made in Germany’. 3P Instruments offers sophisticated devices for mixed gas and vapour sorption, but also analyzers for BET, macro-, meso- and micropores by means of gas adsorption and vapour sorption as well as chemisorption, temperature-programmed reactions, customized benchcat microreactors, magnetic suspension balances and high-pressure sorption systems. 


Bruker AXS SE

Bruker AXS is a global market and technology leader for structural analysis with X-ray and electron diffraction and elemental analysis using X-ray fluorescence, spark optical emission spectroscopy, and CS/ONH analysis. Bruker AXS provides advanced imaging solutions in X-ray and electron microscopy.


CarboTech Group

WORLD LEADING FULL-SERVICE PROVIDER OF ACTIVATED CARBONSThe CarboTech Group is one of the world's leading full-service providers of high-quality powdered, granulated and extruded activated carbons. At our production site in the heart of the Ruhr area, activated carbons, activated coke and carbon molecular sieves are produced, refined and packaged from hard coal, coconut coal and charcoal. As the market leader with over 60 years of experience in the reactivation and use of activated carbon for a wide range of different applications, we are always the competent solution provider for our customers.This includes not only the selection of the right activated carbon, but also our comprehensive 360° service package, from which our customers can individually select the components they need. The service principle for our customers is: everything from a single source - everything as simple as possible.  QUALITY, EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY Our globally unique fluidized bed process guarantees our customers highly effective activated carbon with consistent quality, excellent service life and high efficiency. Another step towards expanding our range of services and reducing our carbon footprint was the addition of a brand new multi-chamber vehicle to our service fleet. This enables loaded activated carbon to be exchanged for fresh carbon in a single appointment. In terms of a functioning and sustainable circular economy, our focus is always on reactivating the loaded used carbons and then returning them to the utilization cycle.Let us find out what CarboTech can do for you. Our sales experts look forward to hearing from you: or by telephone on +49 (0) 201 - 248 9900.


Hiden Analytical Ltd

Hiden Analytical celebrates over 40 years of design, development and manufacture of quadrupole mass spectrometers. Our products address a diverse range of applications - precision gas analysis, plasma diagnostics by direct measurement of plasma ions and ion energies, SIMS probes for UHV surface science, catalysis performance quantification, thermo-gravimetric studies - over a pressure range extending from 30 bar processes down to UHV/XHV.


Hiden Isochema Ltd

Hiden Isochema offer high accuracy sorption instruments designed for research-scale sample sizes, and our instruments are successfully used by many high profile zeolite and MOF researchers. Our IGA and XEMIS gravimetric sorption analyzers record full equilibrium isotherm and kinetic data under a wide range of conditions. The new IGA ECOsorp is a dedicated carbon capture analyzer, and our ABR is a fully automated breakthrough analyzer with integrated mass spectrometer. We also offer dedicated vapor sorption (IGAsorp) and high pressure manometric gas sorption (IMI) analyzers.


Linseis Messgeräte GmbH

Seit 1957 produziert und vertreibt LINSEIS Messgeräte im Bereich der Thermischen Analyse! Damit Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure innovative Ideen umsetzen und Mitarbeiter in Qualitätskontrollen beste Ergebnisse erzielen können, arbeiten wir mit unseren Mitarbeitern an neuen Messtechniken und kontinuierlichen Produktverbesserungen!

Unser Anspruch ist die Technologieführung! Unsere Innovationskraft und der kompromisslose Qualitätsanspruch machen uns zu einem weltweit führenden Hersteller in der Thermischen Analyse. Und damit das auch so bleibt, werden wir unser Engagement in Forschung und Entwicklung auf technologischer als auch personeller Ebene weiterhin ausbauen.



Micromeritics Instrument Corporation is a global manufacturer of material characterization systems with industry leading performance and application expertise in the following areas: density, surface area and porosity, powder rheology, particle interactions including catalyst characterization and process development. The company is headquartered in Norcross, Georgia, USA with manufacturing sites in the US and Europe, and direct sales operations throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. 


Microtrac Retsch GmbH

Wir bei MICROTRAC entwickeln mit Leidenschaft hochmoderne Analysatoren, die eine genaue und effektive Charakterisierung von Partikeln und porösen Materialien ermöglichen. MICROTRAC ist ein Technologieführer, der sich der Innovation verschrieben hat und über ein umfangreiches globales Netzwerk sowie konkurrenzloses Angebot im Bereich der Partikelcharakterisierung verfügt. Mit unseren Kompetenzzentren in Deutschland, den USA, Japan und Frankreich sind wir in der Lage, unseren Kunden die besten Analyseinstrumente für F&E und Qualitätskontrolle anzubieten.


Renishaw GmbH

Renishaw is one of the world's leading technology companies with expertise in the fields of precision measurement, additive manufacturing and medical technology. The company employs over 5,000 people worldwide.

Renishaw's Raman spectroscopy instruments are available as confocal Raman microscopes, portable analysers or bench-top systems and can be combined with other analytical systems. Various software modules offer reliable analyses for every field of application.


Rigaku Europe SE

Founded in 1951 in Tokyo, Japan, Rigaku has become a leader in analytical and industrial instrumentation. With over 2,000 employees in more than 60 countries and numerous innovations, Rigaku excels in X-ray diffraction, thin-film analysis, X-ray fluorescence, small-angle scattering, crystallography, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray optics, semiconductor metrology, computed tomography, non-destructive testing and thermal analysis.



STOE, founded in 1887, has been a pioneer in powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction since the 1960s. STOE invented the transmission geometry for Powder XRD and developed the first open Eulerian cradle XRD system with a pixel detector for single crystals. With in-house R&D, programming, electrical and mechanical engineering, and production, STOE offers standard and individual solutions, delivering unparalleled quality and precision. Thus, having become THE partner in X-Ray Diffraction for crystallographers worldwide!

Surface Measurement Systems

Surface Measurement Systems GmbH

Surface Measurement Systems are world leaders in sorption science, pioneering innovative techniques and instrumentation that perform advanced gravimetric sorption analysis at incredible levels of detail and accuracy.

Our expertise extends to working with zeolites and carbon capture technologies, providing cutting-edge solutions for CO2 removal and environmental sustainability.


Matthias Neumann
Telefon: +49 (0)69 7564-254

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