
Press release ¤ Information de presse

Sep 13, 2021

Hellmuth Fischer Medal 2022 – Call for Nominations

DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie is pleased to invite entries for the award of the Hellmuth Fischer Medal.

Preference is given to scientists, who must have obtained their Ph.D. not earlier than 12 years before the deadline for applications for work that has contributed towards extending or deepening the fundamentals of electrochemistry, corrosion or corrosion protection, or towards their industrial application.

Proposals for nominations should be submitted before 15th February 2022 - Nomination form Hellmuth Fischer Medal 2022

Nominations for candidates should be accompanied by curriculum vitae, reprints of three important publications, a list of publications.

The final decision on the award of the 2022 Hellmuth Fischer Medal lies with the Selection Committee which is composed of six distinguished scientists. The medal will be presented on the occasion of the 16th International Fischer Symposium which will take place in Kloster Seeon/Germany from 12 -16 June 2022.



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