PRAXISforum Big Data Analytics in Process Industry



Andreas Emrich, DFKI

Andreas Emrich
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, DFKI, Germany

"From our perspective, one of the biggest challenges for the process industry is the complicated traceability of instances throughout the production process. This leads to complicated tracking mechanisms that also affect the analytics solutions, requiring to integrate both instance-related and aggregated analysis."

Oliver Erdenberger, Accenture

Oliver Erdenberger
Senior Manager - Resources, Accenture, Germany

"Using analytics helps generate competitive advantage and realize potential you haven’t been aware of before.

New data-driven business models leveraging digital technology are emerging, and they are challenging traditional businesses."

Jens Kamionka, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions

Gunnar Fabritius
Senior Consultant Big Data & Analytics, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions, Germany

"With enormous capacity and real-time data processing, Big Data now provides us with the basic prerequisites for many exciting applications in the context of digital transformation. However, many companies still fail to address security, infrastructure or data quality issues. I will show in my lecture how you can create the necessary conditions in your company and ensure that investments in data analytics are also profitable."

Matthias Feuerstein, Microsoft

Matthias Feuerstein
Senior Industry Market Development Manager, Microsoft

"Technology is playing an increasing role in everything we do, shaping growth, disrupting industry landscapes, and providing the catalyst for transformation. In the process industry, digital technology provides actionable solutions to challenges and groundbreaking opportunities for innovation. It is imperative that industry players explore the possibilities presented by digital transformation."

David Flanagan, Wiley ChemPlanner

David Flanagan
Director Lab Solutions, Wiley ChemPlanner, Germany

"Chemical space is big. Very big. Published and unpublished data only cover only an exceedingly small part of possible small molecule space. Machine learning and algorithmic prediction tools can help fill in the explored parts of chemical space. What kinds of data sources and prediction tools will come next?"

Thomas Froese, atlan-tec

Thomas Froese
Managing Director, atlan-tec Systems, Germany

"More than 50% of the companies are not willing to invest in Big Data Applications. These companies will be bankrupted in the next 10 years!"

Thomas Hansmann, Congenius Digital

Thomas Hansmann
Managing Director, Congenius Digital, Germany

"It is not (only) about technology - without the right organization, Big Data will not become a successful part of any company."

Matthias Hartmann, ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Matthias Hartmann
Vice President ThyssenKrupp System Engineering, Germany

"The application of data analytics will improve efficiency in the chemical industry!"

Martin Hollender, ABB

Martin Hollender
Researcher, ABB Research Center, Germany

"The major challenge for Big Data Analytics in Process Industries are not scalable architectures or clever algorithms, but remains to have the right data in the right quality to address relevant and pressing issues. Today’s information system infrastructure often prevent us often from obtaining this right data in an efficient data."

Ralph Kleinschmidt, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions

Ralph Kleinschmidt
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, Germany

"The application of data analytics will improve efficiency in the chemical industry!"

Ralf Klinkenberg, Rapid Miner

Ralf Klinkenberg
Co-Founder & Head of Funded R&D, RapidMiner, Germany

"Predictive Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning will transform most industries by supporting better informed and more customized decisions by both, humans and machines, increasing agility and efficiency, lowering costs, enabling better and more customized products and services, forecasting risks and opportunities, and increasing automation.

Early adopters will gain significant competitive advantages, while others are likely to be left behind."

Robert Lokner, Microsoft

Robert Lokner
Digital Business Transformation Team Germany, Microsoft

"Technology is playing an increasing role in everything we do, shaping growth, disrupting industry landscapes, and providing the catalyst for transformation. In the process industry, digital technology provides actionable solutions to challenges and groundbreaking opportunities for innovation. It is imperative that industry players explore the possibilities presented by digital transformation."

Drazen Nikolic, Ernst&Young

Drazen Nikolic
Partner, Advisory Services, Analytics, EMEIA, Ernst&Young, Germany

"If you do not understand the problem, you are not able to frame the right question. No wonder, that analytics based solution deliver unsatisfactory results."

Huub Rutten, Sopheon

Huub Rutten
VP Research, Sopheon, The Netherlands

"1. Companies that don’t manage to integrate Big Data Analytics as a day to day component of their development processes, are close to their end. Industry 4.0 won’t wait.

2. Companies that think Big Data Analytics is something for their marketing department, and not relevant to all other functions, will not have a long life anymore.

3. Big Data Analytics will be surrounding not only organizations but also (professional) individuals permanently and comprehensively. The Haves will win, the Have Nots will lose."

Sindy Thomas, Clariant

Sindy Thomas
Expert Team Mathematical Methods & Simulation, Clariant, Germany

"Big Data opens up many opportunities in different areas of a chemical company. Besides toolsets and technology, mind-set and communication skills are additional success factors for these novel approaches." 

Nico Zobel, Fraunhofer IFF

Nico Zobel
Geschäftsfeld Prozess- und Anlagentechnik, Fraunhofer IFF, Germany

"One of the major challenges will be to generate use cases of the analysis of data from heterogeneous sources."

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