3C-VaCS Stakeholder Workshop

Otto-Bayer-Saal, CAT Catalytic Center, RWTH Aachen University Worringerweg 1-2, D-52074 Aachen, Germany

6 November 2024
10:00-16:00, RWTH Aachen University

The project partners VITO/Energyville (Flanders), TNO (Netherlands), and DECHEMA e.V. (Germany) warmly invite you to an exclusive workshop as part of the innovative trilateral study project 3C-VaCS (3lateral Chemical Region – Value Chain Structures). Together with leading stakeholders from the chemical industry and related sectors, we will address key questions about the current and future competitiveness of production in the Antwerp-Rotterdam-Rhine-Ruhr Area (ARRRA) and develop a comprehensive SWOT analysis.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to actively shape the future of one of Europe’s most important chemical regions. Your expertise and perspective are invaluable! Share your ideas and help shape the 3C-VaCS research agenda. Network with industry leaders and collaborate to design the future.

Be part of it – your voice counts!

Preliminary agenda

About the Project

More information:  Preliminary agenda  About the Project 

Image source: Image by freepik.com

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