From catalysis to microreaction engineering, high pressure and high temperature processing, from continuous processes to all aspects of chemical and biotechnological processes on an industrial scale
Polymers have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Whether as high-performance plastics in aviation and the automotive industry, as functional and...
13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology
+++ new date: 19 May 2022 +++ Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Workshop Channeling – an engineering tool in biotechnology? will be postponed to 2022
Does today's process simulation meet the requirements posed by increasing digitalisation up to the "digital twin"? This question is addressed by the experts of the ProcessNet working committee Process Simulation, Process Synthesis and Knowledge Processing in their current position paper "Process Simulation - Fit for the Future?
1st Talk: 5 November 2020, 15-16h
2nd Talk: 12 November 2020, 15-16h
3rd Talk: 19 November 2020, 15-16.15h
The colloquium is free of charge. Please notice, the number of participants onsite in Magdeburg is limited. Due to the...