Reaction Engineering

Reaction Engineering

From catalysis to microreaction engineering, high pressure and high temperature processing, from continuous processes to all aspects of chemical and biotechnological processes on an industrial scale

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43 Results
  • Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik 2018

    Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik 2018 - Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering   Invitation The German Annual Meeting on Reaction...

  • 51. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker

    After a memorable anniversary event we enter the next round: Join us in Weimar for the 51 st German Catalysis Meeting (Jahrestreffen Deutscher...

  • Key Topic Collection for Catalysis Teaching (Lehrprofil Katalyse)

    The 34-page brochure published by the German Catalysis Society (GeCatS) contains not only the essential basics but also the key topics of modern catalysis research for teachers and learners. GeCatS thus makes a recommendation as to which topics should be covered in catalysis training and how these can be integrated into Master's programmes as well as into doctoral and postdoctoral training courses.

  • PRAXISforum Enzymes for Industrial Applications 2018

    Enzymes are considered to be little miracle substances for innovation, process advantages and cost reductions. Whether in the food industry, pharmaceutical...

  • PRAXISforum Enzymes for Industrial Applications 2018

    Enzymes are considered to be little miracle substances for innovation, process advantages and cost reductions. Whether in the food industry, pharmaceutical...

  • Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik 2017

    EINLADUNG Das Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik feiert 2017 Jubiläum! Schon zum 10. Mal treffen sich vom 22. bis 24. Mai 2017 in Würzburg Experten aus...

  • Roadmap „Chemical Reaction Engineering“

    With this 2nd edition of the Roadmap the ProcessNet subject division Chemical Reaction Engineering addresses the general trend that Chemical Reaction Engineering is directly defining product quality and product properties and, thus, is getting directly involved in the development of innovative application characteristics of products. To an increasing extent Chemical Reaction Engineering is also a key for the process and product development of industrial sectors outside the chemical industry such as energy technology or automotive engineering. Chemical Reaction Engineering is not anymore only devoted to understand, design and optimize chemical reactors in terms of yield, energy and efficiency. In addition, it is a key enabler for product innovations and new business concepts through e.g. product by process approaches or modular plant concepts.
    All the aspects mentioned before are considered now in the 2nd edition of the roadmap including case studies, technical chapters and an outlook updated accordingly.

  • 50. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker

    2017 marks the 50 th anniversary of our Annual Catalysis Meeting (Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker), which has evolved into the most important meeting...

  • Jahrestreffen Frankfurt I - Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik (HDVT), Mikroverfahrenstechnik (MIKRO), Molekulare Modellierung (MOL)

    Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungswoche „ProcessNet-Jahrestreffen Frankfurt I“ treffen sich die ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik,...

  • 26th ATC 2017: Industrial Inorganic Chemistry - Materials and Processes

    Online Registration is open Programme as PDF for download The Subject Division Applied Inorganic Chemistry of ProcessNet (an initiative of...

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