
Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering and ProcessNet Subject Division Heat and Mass Transfer 2022

18. - 20. Juli 2022
Congress Center Würzburg

The Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering together with the Annual Meeting of the ProcessNet Subject Division Heat and Mass Transfer will again be held as a physical event, offering scientists from industry, research institutions and universities the opportunity to discuss their work in person, learn about the latest developments and expand their network. The meeting in 2022 is jointly organized by the ProcessNet Subject Divisions Reaction Engineering and Heat and Mass Transfer.

Heat and mass transfer together with chemical conversion processes have to be understood in detail by chemists and chemical engineers to be able to select and design efficient and commercially viable reactor concepts as well as heat and mass transfer equipment. Thus, one focus of the upcoming meeting will be laid on new insights into the complex interplay of heat and mass transport and reaction kinetics in chemical reactors.

This is closely related to the second focus of the annual meeting, which will be on reactor as well as heat exchanger diagnostics. Time- and spatially-resolved analysis of flow, temperature and concentration fields as well as the properties of solid materials, supported by increasingly detailed multi-scale modeling, has made amazing progress in recent years.

The third focus is on the electrification of chemical processes, which will become increasingly important due to the steadily rising share of electricity generation using solar and wind energy and the desire to achieve a climate-neutral society in Germany by 2045.

Due to the international orientation of our meeting, presentations are held in English.

Four plenary lectures given by renowned scientists, a poster party and a conference dinner will provide the framework for stimulating discussions and talks. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Würzburg.


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Chereén Semrau
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