
DECHEMA Committees

Topical sections at DECHEMA

The thematic portfolio of DECHEMA committees ranges from A for "Algae Biotechnology" to Z for "Zeolites". Experts from universities, research institutions and industry meet in the specialist sections to network, exchange ideas, develop new ideas and implement them.

The specialist sections identify "white spots" in the research landscape and application-relevant topics, discuss them from the perspective of different disciplines and organizations and jointly develop positions and proposals. Core activities include the organization of scientific events, but also a wide range of publications.

Within the specialist sections, specialized groups offer the opportunity for in-depth scientific exchange.

Some of the specialist sections are still under construction; these websites are updated on an ongoing basis.


DECHEMA/VDI Fluid Dynamics and Separation Technology Section

The DECHEMA/VDI "Fluid Dynamics and Separation Technology" Section covers processes that take place in fluid phases and are driven by mass and heat transfer. The topics include the thermodynamic and fluid dynamic fundamentals for process and equipment design, in particular for processes for the separation of chemically and biotechnologically produced substances, as well as the associated techniques for modeling (computational fluid dynamics methods, etc.) of material properties and processes. They are aimed at both classic unit operations and entire production chains.

More on the Section

DECHEMA/VDI Particle Technology and Product Design Section

Die Fachsektion befasst sich mit dispersen Systemen in Natur und Technik. Im Fokus stehen Methoden zur Herstellung, Verarbeitung, Formulierung und Charakterisierung von oft komplex strukturierten, mehrphasigen Produkten mit ganz spezifischem, für die jeweilige Anwendung charakteristischem Eigenschaftsprofil. Die Produkteigenschaften definieren das Anwendungsfeld, das ausgehend von klassischen Bereichen der Verfahrenstechnik in der chemischen Industrie mehr und mehr in Bereiche der Elektronik, der Energietechnik, der Life Sciences, der Nanotechnologie, der optischen Technologien, der Werkstoffe und der Umwelttechnik ausstrahlt.

zur Fachsektion


DECHEMA/VDI Chemical Reaction Engineering Section

Chemical reaction engineering is at the heart of the know-how and competitiveness of the material-changing industrial sectors, from raw material extraction, chemicals and petrochemicals to the food and pharmaceutical industries, which in turn supply all manufacturing and processing sectors of the economy. The Chemical Reaction Engineering Section brings together and coordinates committees on a wide range of aspects, from reaction engineering in the narrower sense to substance-, process- or application-related disciplines. It offers the opportunity for public or confidential discussion of scientific and technical developments in topic-related forums.

More on the section

Functional Materials Section

The Functional Materials Section will focus on the development, production, characterization and application of various classes of materials, particularly in the chemical industry. It is currently still being constituted; further details will follow.

MOre on the section

DECHEMA/VDI Process Engineering and Materials Technology Section

The section focuses on the plant life cycle of production plants with a focus on process development and optimization, planning and construction as well as operation and maintenance. The focus is on the overall process or plant and the interaction of the sub-components.

In addition to the main topics, the necessary workflows, tools (engineering systems, e.g. for CAE, CAPE, production logistics or controlling) and methods (e.g. for process intensification, design or cost estimation) are also considered. Due to the strong interconnectedness of the planning life cycle, a holistic, cross-disciplinary approach is particularly important in terms of both content and methodology. Systems engineering is therefore of great importance.

MOre on the section

German Catalysis Society (GeCatS)

The German Catalysis Society (GeCatS) is the platform for the entire German catalysis community in the field of research and application. It currently has around 1100 members from industry and academia. GeCatS promotes the exchange between industry, universities, research institutions and research policy organizations and represents the interests of the catalysis community at national and international level. The German Catalysis Society is supported by DECHEMA, VDI-GVC, GDCh, DGMK and DBG.

More on GeCatS

Process and Plant Safety Section

The aim of the Process and Plant Safety Section is to evaluate findings, support and assess developments in safety technology and pass on experience. As a professional discussion forum, it offers members the opportunity to make contacts, help shape standards and norms and further develop the global safety status of the German chemical industry.

More on the section

Measurement and Sensor Technology Section

The specialist section deals with the fundamentals of physical, chemical and biological sensors as well as the integration of sensors in measurement systems, with a focus on applications in the process industry. The committee discusses a wide range of new methods, findings and challenges in the field of sensor technology, sensor systems and measurement technology, including signal processing, testing and calibration. The regular meetings of the specialist section provide a forum for the exchange of research and development results, the transfer of experience from different user industries and further training. The involvement of young scientists through lectures is another aim of the specialist section.

More on the Section

Energy, Chemistry and Climate Section

The specialist section deals with energy generation, conversion, transportation and storage, particularly in the context of the process industry. The profile is currently being developed.

More on the section

Resources and Processes for Material Conversion Section

The specialist section Resources and Processes for Material Conversion is dedicated to material flows and process chains for sustainable industrial production, from the provision of raw materials and high-temperature technology production processes to waste management and closing material cycles.

More on the section


Industrial Water Section

The specialist section deals with the state of the art in science and technology in the field of production-integrated water and wastewater treatment as well as the associated processes for resource- and emission-minimized production.

More on the section

Biobased Value Chains Section

The section deals with the use of biogenic materials and processes, in particular the use of biomass from various sources such as algae or plants, for the value-adding production of market-relevant products. It covers the value chain from the raw material through the production system and process to the marketable product.

zur Fachsektion

Bioprocessing Section

The DECHEMA Bioprocessing Section focuses on the biotechnological production of fine chemicals, basic materials and biopharmaceuticals with the help of enzymes, prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. It sees itself as a platform for the optimization and new development of biotechnological production processes.

The topics cover the entire spectrum of modern bioprocess engineering:

  • From the gene to the finished product
  • From µL to production scale
  • From upstream to downstream
  • From the idea to industrial realization

Methodologically, it adopts the approach of an in-depth holistic understanding of systems in order to efficiently optimize reaction and process conditions.New technical developments in bio-sensor technology and analysis as well as apparatus and plant engineering complete the subject area. Common to all topics is the engineering approach, i.e. the quantitative, often model-based analysis and evaluation of the results.

More on the Bioprocessing Section

Cross-sectoral topics and "Think Tanks"

Many current topics - circular economy, digitalization, but also the effects of AI on process and plant safety - require the combined expertise of various disciplines. At DECHEMA, such issues are dealt with as cross-sectional topics across specialist sections. A current overview and details on the individual issues can be found here.

The cross-sectional topics also include cross-thematic "think tanks" that explore future topics beyond the boundaries of the committees.

Structures and organization

Coordinating Committee

The Coordinating Committee promotes exchange and coordination between the specialist sections and provides impetus for joint work.

Rules of procedure

The Geschäftsordnung (Rules of Procedure) regulates the tasks and working methods of DECHEMA's committees.

Geschäftsordnung (German only)


Do you have questions about the committee structure or a general concern? Please contact us!

Head of Department Committees
Dr. Kathrin Rübberdt

Committee Office
Nina Weingärtner


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