Advanced Therapies – Challenges for Routine Applications


Tuesday, 17 May 2022

10:00 Registration
11:00 Welcome
  Session: Innovative iPSC- and MSC-derived therapeutics
Chair: Roland Wagner,
Technical University Braunschweig

Keynote lecture: "Scalable generation of custom-made immune cells for innovative cell-based immunotherapies and industrial applications"

Nico Lachmann, MHH Medizinische Hochschule Hannover


"Process design considerations for hMSC-based products"

Jan Barekzai; Florian Petry; Peter Czermak; Denise Salzig,
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen


Poster talk: "Biomimetic matrices enable highly defined isolation of functional mesenchymal stromal cells in xeno-/serum-free media"

Kristina Thamm¹; Kristin Moebus²; Russel Towers²; Richard Wetzel¹;
Manja Wobus²; Sandra Segeletz², ¹ denovoMATRIX GmbH; ² University Hospital
Carl Gustav Carus der Technischen Universität Dresden


Short break


Session: Therapeutic exosomes
Chair: Denise Salzig,
University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen, Gießen


Keynote lecture: "Functional extracellular vesicles as new therapeutic modality – Exosomes’ Road to the clinic"

Jens Gruber, Curexsys GmbH, Göttingen


Poster talk: "Challenges and Solutions for Production of Therapeutic Exosomes"
Christoph Keysberg, Kerstin Otte, Biberach University of Applied Sciences




Session: New approaches in cell-based therapies
Chair: Hansjörg Hauser,
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig


Keynote lecture: "Engineering T cell receptors for adoptive cell therapy"

Kilian Schober, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen


"Cell-mediated visualization of local infections and drug delivery "

Dagmar Wirth¹; Mario Köster¹; Sandhya Kumar¹; Peter Behrens²; Hansjörg Hauser¹; Andreas Kirschning³¹ Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung mbH; ² Institute for Anorganic Chemistry; Leibniz University Hannover; ³ Institute for Organic Chemistry, Leibnitz University Hannover


Keynote lecture: "Harnessing human 3D Cell Models to accelerate the development of advanced therapies"

Catarina Brito, iBET & ITQB-NOVA, Oeiras/Portugal

15:40 Coffee break
  Session: Tumor vaccines - strategies for personalisation and production 
Chair: Jessica Horbelt,
Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart

Keynote lecture: "Application of mRNA technology in cancer therapy"

Felicitas Müller, BioNTech SE, Mainz


"Improved production strategies for oncolytic Measles virus as therapeutic
cancer treatment"

Dustin Eckhardt; Denise Salzig; Peter Czermak, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

17:15 End of lecture programme of day 1
17:30 - 20:00 Get Together / Poster Session 

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

  Session: Clinical ATMP application and manufacturing
Chair: Andrea Traube,
KyooBe Tech GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen

Keynote lecture: "Home brewn CAR-T-Cell"

Michael Schmitt, Uniklinik Heidelberg, Heidelberg


"Running title: Modular mini-factories for the automated and scalable production of ATMPs"

Andreas Traube; Jessica Horbelt; Martin Thoma; Natalie Gebken; Sarah Kleine-Wechelmann; Milena Frahm; Markus Schandar; Michael Klinger; Sebastian Puls; Rolf Wössner; Michael Pfeifer; Tobias Sauer, Fraunhofer IPA


"Real laboratory for automated and digitalized ATMP production"

Georg Popp¹; Rolf van Lengen²; Andreas Traube³; Karsten Seidl⁴; Carsten Claussen⁵; Michael Baßler⁶; Paul Franz¹; Anna Dünkel¹; Ulrike Köhl¹; Stephan Fricke¹,
¹ Fraunhofer IZI; ² Fraunhofer IESE; ³ Fraunhofer IPA; ⁴ Fraunhofer IMS; ⁵ Fraunhofer ITMP; ⁶ Fraunhofer IMM

10:20 Coffee break
  Session: Innovative production strategies
Chair: Anna Katharina Heide, 
RUHR-IP Patentanwälte, Essen
11:00 Keynote lecture: "Single Cell Multi-Omics Driving the Future of Adoptive Cell Therapy"
Andreas Schmidt, Singleron Biotechnologies GmbH, Köln/D
11:40 "AIDPATH – Modular Manufacturing Platform for AI-enabled hospital-based
ATMP Production – A Concept Presentation"
Frederik Erkens, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT
12:00 Poster talk: "Fluidic imaging as PAT tool for cell aggregate monitoring"
Martin Kraft, Bayer AG

Keynote lecture: "Tackling the Challenges of AAV Vector Manufacturing"

Nicole Faust, CEVEC Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Köln

12:45 Lunch
  Session: From regulatory framework to clinical application
Chair: Hansjörg Hauser,
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig

"Risk Assessment – An intelligent tool for the evaluation of critical starting material"

Claudia Papewalis¹; Marco Schmeer²; Martin Schleef², ¹ Valicare GmbH;
² PlasmidFactory GmbH


"Plausibility of EP Patents - Post-filed experimental data as support of
sufficiency of disclosure and inventive step of the Invention?!"

Anna Katharina Heide, RUHR-IP Patentanwälte, Essen


"The current regulatory framework of ATMP storage and distribution – consequences and challenges "

Andrea Zobel, World Courier

14:30 Coffee & Networking

End of conference

 (as of 9 May 2022, subject to change)



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