
High Temperature Corrosion and Oxidation 2023 Workshop

25. - 29. September 2023

European Federation of Corrosion EFC-Event No. 493

Please note, Marktheidenfeld is a tourist region, so the available hotel rooms are in high demand, please book your hotel room in time!

High temperature corrosion studies are more relevant than ever to meet today’s challenges in energy production. Fundamental and applied research in this field plays an essential role in the successful shift from the conversion or combustion of fossil fuels to heterogeneous renewable fuels and renewable energies. Associated with the shift to renewable and carbon neutral processes are generally higher temperatures, novel process conditions and media such as salt melt exposures. Additionally, the common process gases and complex environments often change, sometimes with higher amounts of H2 or H2O. Therefore, it is essential to provide alloy designs that deliver stronger high-temperature oxidation and corrosion resistance, while retaining mechanical properties. Another approach to achieving these goals is the combination of load bearing substrates with advanced coatings.


Scientific advisory board

Conference Programme



Topics of interest for discussion at the workshop include understanding and investigation of the underlying corrosion mechanisms through theoretical approaches such as thermodynamic, phase equilibria and diffusion calculations, modeling and data. Experimental validation is of course still essential, such as exposures in air at high temperatures and corrosive gases, salts and slags. This includes the effects of such environments on the growth and degradation of protective oxide scales, the changes in the subsurface scales and the influence on the mechanical properties. Advanced characterization and high-resolution methods such as atom probe or in-situ scanning electron microscopy studies can also prove fruitful for clarification of unknown degradation mechanisms. Finally applied and industrially relevant research relating to gas turbines or chemical plants associated with fuel changes, concentrated solar towers, heat exchangers, fuel cells and electrolyzers are of high interest.

All those interested in the workshop with or without a contribution are cordially invited to attend.

Mathias Galetz                                                                    Dmitry Naumenko
DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut                                            Forschungszentrum Jülich
Frankfurt am Main                                                              Jülich

Dates to note:
  • January 2023 - Call for Abstracts opens
  • April 2023 - Deadline Call for Abstracts
  • May/June 2023 - Registration opens and Programme will be online
  • 28 July 2023 - Deadline Early-Bird-Registration

Bildquelle: M. Thalheimer, DFI

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