
Press release ¤ Information de presse

Mar 30, 2015

Successful debut: products2come enters the next round

Products2come, the first online technology transfer and partnering event for the life sciences, has passed its crucial test with flying colours. More than 100 participants from 11 countries including the US,  Australia and many European countries, made use of the partnering platform and the interactive presentations on 24 and 25 March to discover the latest technologies and marketable innovations in oncology, neurology, diagnostics, medicinal technology and other areas of the life sciences. Feedback from participants was very positive and a number of discussions about potential cooperations have already been started. Representatives from SMEs as well as large companies commended the high quality and novelty of the offerings. 60 online meetings were agreed upon, 64 more were still pending at the time of the event.

Second partnering opportunity on 19 and 20 May

These expressions of interest will by no means be lost, as products2come is now entering the second round. “We received a very positive response from many stakeholders in the industry, but there was also some uncertainty as to the feasibility of an online-only format”, explains Dr. Andreas Scriba who is responsible for the new format at DECHEMA e.V. “Now that the concept has been proven in practice, providing a safe, comfortable and stable environment for presentations and meetings, we are extending the timeline to give all interested parties the chance to participate.”

The products2come platform which at the moment contains about 380 technologies will stay online for another three months. A second round of presentations and partnering meetings has been scheduled for 19 and 20 May, 2015. Participants who have already registered can stay on the system at no additional cost. New registrants profit from the moderate fees, saving travel cost and time expense while contacting a global community. “By scheduling the sequel for the second half of May, participants have the chance to meet after a first online contact in person at ACHEMA in Frankfurt or BIO in Philadelphia and continue their discussions in more detail”, explains Dr. Scriba.

Registration is open as of now. New technologies and innovations may also still be submitted for the partnering platform. The submission process has already been simplified over the last months, allowing for the upload of a large number of technologies via Excel lists. “We are learning and improving the event continuously”, says Dr. Scriba. “We are really happy about the first event and grateful to the experts and organizations who explored this new format along with us. Now we hope to attract the second wave of technology-hungry business developers and innovation seekers to increase the exchange this unique format makes so easy.”

For more information and registration, visit


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