
Press release ¤ Information de presse

Mar 01, 2021

ACHEMA Innovation Challenge starting soon

Individuals and teams of students, young professionals and from startups can still register for the ACHEMA Innovation Challenge. Those who develop the best solutions for the implementation of digital methods and artificial intelligence in the process industry will make it to the finals at ACHEMA Pulse in June; there they have a chance to receive attractive prizes and make valuable contacts.

Data has been collected in large quantities in the process industry for a long time - but how can it be put to good use? That's what the ACHEMA Innovation Challenge is all about. The questions about predictive maintenance in water management and the use of artificial intelligence in the process industry come from the practical experience of developers and users who know exactly where solutions are needed:

Predictive maintenance in water management is the topic of the MAIN-Hack, which is organized together with HTAI. Teams can choose between two questions: The monitoring of plant components is the subject of the first challenge, while the second deals with the monitoring of optimal sewage sludge treatment by dosing chemicals. Based on sensors or modules already available on the market, solution concepts are to be developed that could be integrated into existing data networks of companies and sewage treatment plants. 1,000 Euro will be awarded to the winning teams.

ABB AG is challenging participants in the KEEN Platform Challenge to develop an intelligent pipeline that pre-processes, cleans and labels collected data sets - and does so automatically. The second challenge in the KEEN framework comes from TU Dortmund. Artificial intelligence is to be used in image recognition to monitor the operating conditions in an extraction column with liquid-liquid flow. A prize of 1,500 euros will be awarded to the first-place winners; in addition, depending on the maturity of their solutions, the teams have the opportunity to further develop their approaches together with experts.

Participants will find out the exact task at kick-off events on March 5, 2021 for the KEEN Challenge and March 9, 2021 for the MAIN-Hack. Then the students, young professionals and start-ups as well as university working groups have until the beginning of May to work out their concepts, get feedback in a workshop and convince the jury of their solution. The selected concepts will be presented at ACHEMA Pulse on June 15 and 16, 2021. At this unique event for the process industry, the finalists will have the chance to present themselves to the global community and talk to potential cooperation partners. At the award ceremony, they are sure to attract the attention of experts worldwide.

More about the Challenge and pre-registration

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