
Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2023 - Novel production routes and processes for bio-pharmaceuticals and industrial bioeconomy

15 - 17 May 2023
congress centrum weimarhalle
Frankfurt am Main

Novel production routes and processes for bio-pharmaceuticals and industrial bioeconomy is the topic for the next Himmelfahrtstagung 2023, the most important meeting for bioprocess and biochemical engineers in Germany. Submit your paper now and join experts from industry, universities and research organizations in discussing the latest scientific findings in bioprocess development.

At the Himmelfahrtstagung 2023 we will take a closer look at Red and White Biotechnology and discuss what the two disciplines have in common, where they differ and what they can learn from each other. 

Major Topics will be:

  • Valorizing alternative carbon sources                                            
  • Targeting next generation products                                                    
  • Precision fermentation
  • New ways for producing biopharmaceuticals                  
  • Smart combination of up- and downstream processing

Noteworthy, the ‘Himmelfahrtstagung’ also serves as a platform for young scientists to present their results to the scientific community. As such, young researches are invited to submit their work to the committee for getting the chance of presentation, irrespective of the topic of the conference.

The Industrial Bioprocess Award will be awarded as part of the Himmelfahrtstagung.

Conference Programme


Pre-Conference Workshop

Exhibitors & Sponsors

Venue & Accommodation




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