DECHEMA Virtual Talks: Smart Reactors


1st Talk

6 May 2021


  • Welcome
    Andreas Liese and Michael Schlüter, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
  • Additive Manufacturing of Periodic Open Cellular Structures as  Tailor-Made Catalyst Supports
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hannsjörg Freund, Lehrstuhl für Chemische Reaktionstechnik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany
  • Industrial Challenges for Smart Reactors
    Dr. Kai Dadhe, Vice President Digital Process Technologies, Process Technology & Engineering, Evonik Operations GmbH, Marl, Germany

2nd Talk

20 May 2021


  • Welcome
    Andreas Liese and Michael Schlüter, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
  • Award ceremony for the „Hochschullehrer-Nachwuchspreis der DECHEMA-Fachgemeinschaft Biotechnologie“ (Young Academic Teacher Award)
    This year’s award goes to Jun.-Prof. Dr. Yanyan Zhang, University of Hohenheim. She works on the biosynthesis of flavor by edible basidiomycetes and its applications in food innovation.
  • Self-Optimising Reactors for Rapid Development of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes
    Prof. Richard Bourne, Institute of Process Research and Development, School of Chemical and Process Engineering and School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, UK
  • Digital twins for bioprocesses: Only their mother can tell them apart?
    Prof. Wolfgang Wiechert, Institut für Biotechnologie, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany



Moderation: Kathrin Rübberdt, DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt/M

(As of 7 April 2021. Subject to alterations.)


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