3D Cell Culture 2020 - Models, Applications & Translation

Lecture Programme

Tuesday, 12 May 2020 (incl. Poster Speed Lectures, Part 1)

Wednesday, 13 May 2020 (incl. Poster Speed Lectures, Part 2)

Thursday, 14 May 2020


Tuesday, 12 May 2020




Business Lunch


Welcome Address

Biofabrication of 3D Models

M. Rimann, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ICBT, Wädenswil/CH


Keynote Lecture 1

Biofabrication of 3D tissues for disease modeling and drug discovery
M. Ferrer¹
¹ NCATS/NIH, Rockville, MD/USA

13:45 Bio-printable 3D in vitro Tumor-Tissue-Modell for high throughput testing of tumortherapeutica
M. Mueller¹; S. Hensler¹; C. Kühlbach¹; R. Glunz¹
¹ Furtwangen University, Villingen-Schwenningen/D
14:05 Drop-on-demand bioprinting solutions for the fabrication of 3D cell culture systems aiming for in vitro screening applications
K. Tröndle¹; A. Itani¹; F. Koch¹; R. Zengerle²; S. Zimmermann¹; P. Koltay¹
¹ University of Freiburg/D; ² Hahn Schickard, Freiburg/D

3D-printed mini-bone-organs with living osteocyte networks
X. Qin¹; C. Gehre¹; O. Marti¹; R. Müller¹
¹ ETH Zurich/CH


A microengineered platform for single cell tracking in 3D stem cell-based morphogenesis models
P. Samal¹; C. van Blitterswijk¹; R. Truckenmüller¹; S. Giselbrecht¹
¹ Maastricht University/NL

15:05 Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition
Synthetic Biology for Future Treatment Strategie
Chair: R. Pörtner, TU Hamburg/D

Keynote Lecture 2

Synthetic biology-inspired cell-based treatment strategies of the future
M. Fussenegger¹
¹ ETH Zurich/CH


Introduction Poster Speed Lectures and Poster Awards

Poster Speed Lectures - Part 1

R. Pörtner, TU Hamburg, Hamburg/D



Smarter surfaces to create cellular niches without artefacts
T. Mentzel¹; A. Thomas¹; P. Lak¹; V. Schwartz¹; J. Sloan²; B. Birk²; P. Hahn²;
P. Stengel²; N. Kaiser²; C. Oberfrank²
¹ Chemovator GmbH, Mannheim/D; ² BASF SE, Ludwigshafen/D


A versatile microfluidic tilting platform for investigating crosstalk between 3D microtissues and free-flowing cells
O. Nguyen¹; C. Lohasz¹; R. Nudischer²; O. Frey³; J. Devan⁴; G. De Libero⁴;
K. Renggli¹; A. Hierlemann¹; P. Misun¹
¹ ETH Zurich, Basel/CH; ² F. Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., Basel/CH; ³ Insphero AG, Schlieren/CH; ⁴ University of Basel/CH



Optical clearing of 3D-cell cultures for substance screening
E. Nürnberg¹; M. Vitacolonna¹; J. Klicks¹; E. von Molitor¹; T. Cesetti¹; F. Keller¹;
R. Bruch¹; T. Ertongur-Fauth²; K. Riedel²; P. Scholz²; T. Lau³; R. Schneider⁴; J. Meier⁴; M. Hafner¹; R. Rudolf¹
¹ Mannheim University of Applied Sciences/D; ² B.R.A.I.N AG, Zwingenberg/D;
³ Hector Institute for Translational Brain Research, Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI), Mannheim/D; ⁴ Merck KGaA, Darmstadt/D



HA-based delivery system enhances drug transport to tumor spheroids
J. Starigazdova¹; D. Zelencova²; K. Nesporova¹; D. Smejkalova¹; G. Huerta-Angeles¹; V. Velebny¹
¹ Contipro, Dolní Dobrouc/CZ; ² The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice/CZ


Impact of A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 17 (ADAM17) inhibition combined with paclitaxel treatment in ovarian cancer spheroids
A. Herz¹; N. Hedemann¹; J. Weimer¹; N. Arnold¹; N. Maass¹; D. Bauerschlag¹
¹ Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel and University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein Campus Kiel/D



Potential and limitations of hybrid supramolecular-polysaccharide hybrid hydrogels for macrophage 3D cell culture models
D. Hebel¹; M. Müller¹
¹ University Siegen/D


Applying a microphysiological 3D human liver – islet microtissue platform to study metabolic diseases
I. Karakoc¹; L. Hoelting¹; F. Hürlimann¹; B. Yesildag¹; A. Hierlemann²; W. Moritz¹; O. Frey¹
¹ InSphero AG, Schlieren/CH; ² ETH Zurich, D-BSSE Basel/CH



Matrix-free culture of intestinal organoids in thermoformed microwells
P. Kakni¹; R. Truckenmüller¹; P. Habibovic¹; S. Giselbrecht¹
¹ Maastricht University/NL



Manufacturing of functional beta cell-mesenchymal stem cell-spheroids for transplantation or drug testing
F. Petry¹; P. Czermak¹; D. Salzig¹
¹ University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen, Giessen/D



Modular plug&play construction kit for the development of micro-physiological systems
F. Schmieder¹; S. Behrens¹; K. Günther²; F. Sonntag¹
¹ Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden/D;
² University of Applied Sciences Dresden/D



Hydrogels formed from methylsulfone-bearing polymers provide convenient crosslinking kinetics for 3D cell culture and bioprinting
S. Pearson¹; A. de Miguel Jiménez¹; R. Valbuena Mendoza¹; J. Paez¹; A. del Campo¹
¹ INM-Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Saarbrücken/D


Autologous endothelial colony forming cells as promising cell source for endothelialization of TEVGs
X. Kraus¹; M. Pflaum²; S. Thoms¹; R. Jonczyk¹; C. Blume¹; T. Scheper¹
¹ Leibniz University Hanover/D; ² Medical University Hannover/D
17:23 End of Lecture Programme of Day 1
17:30 Poster Session 1 / Poster Party (17:30-20:00)

Section Member Assembly (18:00 – 19:00)

DECHEMA Working Groups Cell Culture Technology and Medical Biotechnology

 Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Models for Host-Microbe Interactions
Chair: H. Hauser, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI), Braunschweig/D

Keynote Lecture 3

Organoids: transformative tools to dissect innate immune responses to host-microbe interactions
N.C. Zachos¹
¹ Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD/USA
09:45 Microstructured 3D in vitro model of the small intestine epithelium for studying host-bacteria interactions
M. García-Díaz¹; M. Cendra¹; R. Alonso-Román¹; E. Torrents¹; E. Martínez¹
¹ Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Barcelona/E

Microfluidic gut-liver axis - a platform for studies on host-microbiota interaction
M. Maurer¹; Z. Cseresnyes²; A. Last²; F. Siwczak¹; S. Deinhardt-Emmer¹;
S. Hartung¹; M. Hoang¹; C. Erhardt¹; M. von Lillienfeld-Toal¹; B. Löffler¹; B. Hube²; M. Gresnigt²; M. Figge²; A. Mosig¹
¹ Jena University Hospital/D; ² Hans Knöll Institute, Jena/D

10:25 Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition
From Blood-Brain Barrier to Heart Design
Chair: I. Prade, FILK gGmbH, Freiberg/D
11:00 3D blood brain barrier organoids as in vitro model for the biomedical application of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles
V. Sokolova¹; S. van der Meer¹; T. Ruks¹; M. Epple¹
¹ University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen/D
11:20 Force measurement apparatus for 3D bioprinted muscle tissues in multi well plate for drug development
M. Rimann¹; M. Nosswitz¹
¹ Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil/CH

Tissue brick macro-scale organ engineering for trabecular heart design
R. Lensing¹; E. Bremus-Köbberling²; K. Pfannkuche³; A. Schmidt³; N. Nottrodt²
¹ RWTH Aachen University/D; ² Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen/D;
³ University of Cologne/D


Short Break

Poster Speed Lectures - Part 2
Chair: I. Prade, FILK gGmbH, Freiberg/D


Investigation of tumor cell extravasation in a novel microfluidic device
C. Kühlbach¹; M. Mueller¹; F. Baganz²; V. Hass¹
¹ Furtwangen University, Villingen-Schwenningen/D; ² University College London (UCL)/UK



Cancer associated fibroblasts shape the phenotype of macrophages in organotypic 3D colon cancer models
N. Walterskirchen¹; M. Stadler¹; K. Pudelko¹; A. Biermeier¹; M. Sachet¹;
M. Bergmann¹; R. Oehler¹; H. Dolznig¹
¹ Medical University of Vienna/A



Isolation of patient-derived peritoneal colorectal cancer metastases and 3D cultivation in different matrices
M. Sachet¹; H. Birnleitner¹; J. Stift¹; T. Bachleitner-Hofmann¹; M. Bergmann¹;
H. Dolznig¹; R. Oehler¹
¹ Medical University of Vienna/A


Targeting the fibrotic tumor microenvironment: Novel 3D co-culture organoids for pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) drug discovery
J. Hänsel¹; B. Xie²; A. Ni Putu³; P. Proksch³; R. Mrsny²; N. Teusch¹; H. Yu³
¹ Universität Osnabrück/D; ² University of Bath/UK; ³ Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf/D


Development of vascularized melanoma skin equivalents for studying metastasis and anti-melanoma therapies
A. Leikeim¹; C. Junger¹; J. Kliche¹; M. Komma¹; F. Schmid²; F. Groeber-Becker²
¹ Universitätsklinikum Würzburg/D; ² Fraunhofer ISC - Translationszentrum für Regenerative Therapien TLZ-RT, Würzburg/D



Evaluation of different long-term culture approaches for primary human hepatocytes and an optimized transfection method
N. Kukli¹; C. Schwartz¹; N. Novak¹; M. Bunger²; J. Schroeder¹; S. Mebarki¹
¹ Lonza Cologne GmbH/D; ² Lonza Walkersville Inc., MD/USA



Mesenchymal stem cell growth and differentiation in 3D systems under the influence of human platelet lysate
M. Kirsch¹; A. Herder¹; J. Rach²; W. Handke²; A. Seltsam²; A. Karau³;
I. Pepelanova¹; T. Scheper¹; A. Lavrentieva¹
¹ Leibniz Universität Hannover/D; ² German Red Cross Blood Service NSTOB, Springe/D; ³ Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH, Darmstadt/D



Mechanical properties of 3D printed scaffolds for heart valve tissue engineering
K. Kreuels¹; Z. Zhong²; P. Mela²; N. Nottrodt³
¹ RWTH Aachen/D; ² Technical University Munich/D; ³ Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen/D



Novel biomimetic membranes for nanoparticle transport studies at biological barriers
L. Furer¹; G. Fortunato¹; I. Shorubalko²; S. Schürle-Finke³; T. Buerki-Thurnherr¹
¹ Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, St. Gallen/CH; ² Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf/CH; ³ ETH Zurich/CH




Poster Session 2 and Poster Prize Voting

Liver Models and Toxicity Testing
Chair: J. Kelm, PreComb Therapeutics AG, Wädenswil/CH

Keynote Lecture 4

Do results from in vitro toxicity models translate to the human situation in vivo?
J. Kleinjans¹
¹ Maastricht University/NL


Keynote Lecture 5

Prediction of human drug-induced liver injury (DILI) in relation to oral doses and blood concentrations
J. Hengstler¹
¹ Leibniz Research Centre (IfADo), Dortmund/D


HepaChipMWP – a microfluidic, perfusable and scalable in vitro model of the liver in multiwellplate format
M. Busche¹; S. Werner¹; B. Hagmeyer¹; M. Pawlak¹; C. Schmees¹; H. Becker²;
J. Schnabel²; K. Gall³; R. Hemmler³; G. Damm⁴; S. Beuck⁵; T. Klaassen⁵; J. Moer⁶; A. Ullrich⁶; M. Matz-Soja⁷; R. Gebhardt⁷; M. Stelzle¹
¹ NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen, Reutlingen/D; ² microfluidic ChipShop GmbH, Jena/D; ³ Ionovation GmbH, Osnabrück/D; ⁴ Incubator of Saxony for Clinical Translation, Leipzig University/D;
⁵ A & M Labor für Analytik und Metabolismusforschung Service GmbH, Bergheim/D;
⁶ PRIMACYT GmbH, Schwerin/D; ⁷ Rudolf-Schönheimer-Instituteof Biochemistry, Leipzig University/D


Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition

Advanced Assays and Devices
Chair: T. May, InSCREENeX GmbH, Braunschweig/D

Live cell imaging of perfused human taste cell-derived spheroids
E. von Molitor¹; E. Nürnberg¹; T. Ertongur-Fauth²; P. Scholz²; K. Riedel²;
R. Rudolf¹; T. Cesetti¹
¹ Hochschule Mannheim/D; ² BRAIN AG, Zwingenberg/D


CellPulse: single pulse laser poration of cells
R. Wittig¹; F. Hausladen¹; Y. Kao²; F. Hessenberger¹; P. Kruse¹; T. Stegmayer¹;
K. Stock¹
¹ Institute for Laser Technologies in Medicine & Metrology (ILM) at Ulm University/D; ² Universität Freiburg - IMTEK/D


Advanced in vitro management of three-dimensional cell cultures and explanted tissue
S. Kreß¹; D. Egger¹; C. Kasper¹
¹ University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/A

17:50 Avoiding common pitfalls of 3D culture model assay development with appropriate validation and controls
T. Riss¹
¹ Promega Corporation, Madison, WI/USA

End of Lecture Programme of Day 2


Scientific Award Ceremony / Conference Dinner

Schlossberg Restaurant Dattler

Thursday, 14 May 2020

3D Models for Molecular Mechanisms
Chair: H. Ruffner, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel/CH

Keynote Lecture 6

Organotypic 3D models to characterize the molecular requirements of immune cell infiltration and activation
W. Sommergruber¹
¹ FH Wien/A


Molecular control of ErbB2/Her2-driven 3D breast tumor growth: mechanistic and therapeutic implications
I. Khan¹; B. Yoo¹; M. McPhee¹; A. Surette¹; K. Dakin-Hache¹; T. Younis¹;
B. Bethune¹; K. Rosen¹
¹ Dalhousie University, Halifax/CDN


Development of a 4D-in vitro-test system for specificity and po-tency of 3rd generation chimeric antigen receptor-T-cells (CAR-T-cells) based on microcavity array-bioreactors
E. Gottwald¹; L. Werner¹; C. Nies¹; S. Wang²; M. Schmitt²
¹ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/D;
² University Hospital Heidelberg/D

10:25 A patient-based 3D breast cancer cell model to tackle ER signalling
A. Cartaxo¹; M. Estrada¹; G. Domenici¹; R. Roque²; F. Silva²; E. Gualda³; P. Loza-Alvarez³; S. André²; C. Brito¹
¹ iBET, Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica & Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, Oeiras/P; ² IPOLFG, Lisboa/P; ³ ICFO, Castelldefels, Barcelona/E
10:45 Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition
From 3D Models to the Clinic

U. Marx, TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D


Keynote Lecture 7

Advancing regulatory science through innovation; in vitro microphysiological systems
S. Fitzpatrick¹
¹ Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition / FDA, College Park, MD/USA

12:00 Mimicking human cancer heterogeneity and diversity by building the largest biobank of matched in vitro (organoid) and in vivo (PDX)
X. Xu¹; P. Wang²; J. Zhou²; H. Li³
¹ Crown Bioscience, Inc., Beijing/PRC; ² Crown Bioscience, Inc., Taicang/PRC;
³ Crown Bioscience, Inc., San Diego, CA/USA
12:20 OncoChip – a novel microfluidic platform for compound efficacy testing on human 3D microtumors
M. Pawlak¹; S. Yüz²; B. Gierke¹; J. Hofmann³; U. Härle²; S. Werner²; B. Hagmeyer²; Z. von Guttenberg³; M. Stelzle²; C. Schmees²
¹ NMI TT Pharmaservices, Reutlingen/D; ² NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen, Reutlingen/D; ³ ibidi GmbH, Gräfelfing/D
12:40 A new approach to synergize hyperthermia and radiotherapy in cancer treatments using an in vitro 3D micro-tumour system
A. Thomsen¹; C. Aldrian¹; P. Lund²; A. Grosu¹; M. Leu³; P. Vaupel¹
¹ University of Freiburg, Medical Center/D; ² Ortenau-Klinikum, Offenburg/D;
³ abc biopply ag, Solothurn/CH

Closing Remarks




End of the Conference

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