
2nd Internationalization-Workshop “Modular Plants”

4. Juli 2019
DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt am Main

The world is pushing towards a more and more digitalised world with an increasing demand for more flexible production processes. One of the most promising approaches towards implementing digital concepts, also in chemical industry, is the idea to design equipment and processes in a modular way.

First modular implementations could be shown at the international Hannover Fair and first hands-on experiences are available from owner operators.

An overview of the present status can be found in the Status paper “Modular production – On the doorstep to market launch”, which you can download free of charge here


Venue and Accommodation


The workshop is a continuation of last years successful first workshop on internationalization of that topic. It is organized by the ProcessNet Working Group “Modular Plants”.

Online Registration

The workshop is free of charge.

Mehr Informationen:  Terms & Conditions 


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