Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering

Information for Authors

Authors Information


Dear lecture and poster authors, please note: Registration fee can not be waived for authors.

If you are unable to present your lecture/poster for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible via Email.

Conference Language

The official language of the conference is English. Simultaneous translation will be not available.

Technical Details for Oral Presentations 

Request for Short CV

A brief CV questionary enables the appropriate chair person to introduce all lecturers to the audience. Therefore lecturers are asked to download the CV form and to return it to the conference office by 15 April 2021 at the latest.

Format, presentation time and software tools

Please prepare your slides in 16:9 format. 

Please note that talks should not exceed 15 min presentation time. After each session we have scheduled a Q&A session, where participants have the opportunity to discuss with the speakers. Please schedule this accordingly.

We recommend using Google Chrome as your browser.

As a meeting platform we will use Converia Virtual Venue and as presenting platform for your talk we will use Zoom. We recommend to download the Zoom app to give your presentation. We plan rehearsals in the week before the conference.

We recommend using 2 monitors if possible - one for playback of the presentation and one for Converia Virtual Venue and Zoom.

Technical Details for Poster Presentations

A) Preparation of ePoster

As a major guideline it is proposed to make the poster intelligible in itself, even in the absence of the author. It is suggested to divide the contents of each poster into introductionresults and conclusions, with a summary listing the pertinent results and conclusions.

Standard size for posters is 0.85 x 1.2 m (DIN A0-German Standard) - we recommend in this event: landscape format (Querformat!). The posters will be shown throughout the whole conference.

To upload your poster by 21 April 2021, please log in at
- click on "View submitted papers/sessions" in the "Paper Submission" area
- under the button "Actions" which is connected with your paper you have the possibility to upload your poster in PDF format under "Upload or edit presentation".

(Please note that there should be no coding or password protection within the pdf-file, otherwhise the preview of your ePoster may have an error.)

B) Poster Discussion on Tuesday, 11 May 2021, 14:00 – 15:25

 For the most effective and intensive discussion we recommend to initiate your individual virtual meeting room for the duration of the poster discussion.

This will be possible directly on the virtual platform of the conference. We will send you the access fort he virtual platform a fews days before the conference.

Please enter your individual access link under your ePoster directly within the ‘Question & Answers‘ Area before the discussion starts. You can choose any virtual room you prefer.

The best poster presentations will be selected for the poster awards.
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