
Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik 2020 − Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering

18. - 20. Mai 2020
Tagungszentrum Festung Marienberg, Würzburg

Due to the current developments regarding the Corona virus and in consultation with the chairmen, we unfortunately have to cancel the conference "Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik 2020 − Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering" from 18-20 May in Würzburg.

Unfortunately, there will NOT be an alternative date this year. The next Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering (Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik) will be conducted from 10-12 May 2021.

Conference Programme

Carrer Forum

Conference Dinner

Plenary Speakers

Information for Authors

Exhibition & Sponsoring Options

Exhibitors and Sponsors


Venue and Accommodation

The Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering is a well established conference with yearly 220-240 participants. It offers scientists from industry, research institutions and universities the opportunity to discuss their work, learn about latest developments and expand their network.

One focus of the upcoming meeting will be on research for the future circular economy. Establishing sustainable conversion processes for the chemical, food and pharma industry is one of the pressing needs of our time. Reaction engineering can contribute to preventing the exhaustion of critical resources and avoiding unnecessary waste generation. However, truly sustainable processes can only be achieved by closing the loop in production cycles and utilizing waste streams to create new products. Solving these challenges requires the implementation of innovative and efficient technologies by utilizing the reaction engineering toolbox.

The conference particularly aims to motivate young academics and young professionals from industry to contribute to this event. The programme will favour their engagement and give space for new and innovative topics.

Bildquelle: Würzburg Tourismus



Chereén Semrau
Telefon: +49 (0)69 7564-651


Exhibitors and Sponsors

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