The official language of the conference is English.
Oral presenters have a time slot of 30 minutes, including 5 minutes for discussion.
Keynote lecturers have a time slot of 40 minutes, including 5 minutes for discussion.
Strict timekeeping will be essential for the smooth running of the conference.
Presenters are requested to bring their presentation on a USB with them to the conference and upload it on the presentation laptop in the lecture room before the session starts.
Nevertheless we kindly ask you to bring your own laptop computer as a backup.
A video projector and a laptop(equipped with MS- Office-Version 2010, Acrobat Reader X Version 9.3) will be provided. No internet access is available in the lecture room.
In case that you need special software for your presentation or if you have videos included into your file, please notify the conference secretariat in advance.
Also lecturers wishing to use their own laptop are required to notify the conference secretariat in advance.
The official language of the conference is English.
Posters should be prepared according to the given guidelines. Please click here to download the poster instructions.
Posters will be on display during the entire conference. Authors are asked to be present at their own poster during the breaks for discussion.
Posters and poster boards are numbered according to the numbers in the programme. It is the presenter´s own responsibility to set-up the presentation on the assigned poster board and remove it at the end of the conference.
SHORT POSTER PRESENTATIONS: Poster authors are invited to hold a short presentation of their work in a dedicated session, which will take place on Monday, 15 July 2013 at 15:10h.
The presentation time is limited to 5 minutes, allowing to show 1-2 PowerPoint slides only.
Authors are requested to bring their short presentation on a USB and upload it on the laptop in the lecture room during the lunch break.