
Roll of Honour

Honorary Membership of DECHEMA

Honorary Membership is the highest award of the DECHEMA. The Board of Directors can grant Honorary Membership to outstanding supporters of chemical Equipment manufacture, chemical engineering and biotechnology or ot the society itself.

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DECHEMA Student Awards

Die The DECHEMA student awards are granted anually to graduates in Technical Chemistry, Chemical Process Engineering and Biotechnology. Only graduates who distinguish themselves by completing their studies in a particular short time and achieving outstanding results are eligible. This award was established by the Board of DECHEMA in 1993 as a contribution towards increasing efficiency at German universities.

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DECHEMA Polytechnic Awards

The DECHEMA Polytechnic Awards are presented anually for the best diploma, master's and bachelor's theses in Technical Chemistry and Biotechnology at polytechnics and comprehensive universities.

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The DECHEMA-Medal is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of chemical apparatus technology. It was established in 1951 to celebrate the 25th aniversary of the DECHMA.

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DECHEMA Plaque in Titanium

This plaque was first awarded during the 1999 DECHEMA Annual Meetings in Wiesbaden. It was initiated to honour outstanding commitment to the work of the research committees or to other DECHEMA activities and will be presented during the DECHEMA Annual Meetings.

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ACHEMA Plaque in Titanium

The ACHEMA Plaque in Titanium is awarded in recognition of distinguished services to ACHEMA and DECHEMA. The award was instituted to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the ACHEMA in 1970 and first Conferres at the ACHEMA 1973.

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ACHEMA Media Prize

The ACHEMA Media Prize is awarded every three years to the author of a German journalistic documentary on a topic from the fields of chemical engineering, biotechnology, chemistry or environmental protection. The selection criteria also include popular appeal and interesting presentation.

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Alwin Mittasch Prize

The Alwin Mittasch Prize was founded by BASF as the Alwin Mittasch Medal in 1990. It is awarded for work in the field of catalysis, concerning either advances in basic research or successful application in industry. Since 2006 it is awarded on an international level, now as the Alwin Mittasch Prize.

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Willy Hager Medal

Willy Hager Prize

The Willy Hager Prize was founded by the Willy Hager Foundation and is awarded every year jointly by DECHEMA and the Water Chemistry Division of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society). The Prize is awarded for outstanding work in the field of water and waste water treatment by young university scientists.

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Hellmuth Fischer Medal

The DECHEMA awards the Hellmuth Fischer Medal preferably to younger scientists for work that has contributed towards extending or deepening the fundamentals of electrochemistry, corrosion or corrosion protection, or towards their industrial application.

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Otto Roelen Medal

The Otto Roelen Medal, donated by OQ Services GmbH and endowed with 5,000 euros, is awarded every two years to catalysis researchers for an outstanding scientific achievement in the entire field of catalysis.

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Carl Hanson Medal

The Carl Hanson medal was jointly instituted in 1986 by the Society of Chemical Industry (UK) and DECHEMA in memory of Professor Carl Hanson, who was Professor of Chemical Engineering at Bradford University. The Medal is seen as a life-time award to recognize scientists and engineers working in the general field of solvent extraction science and technology. It's awarded at three year intervals.

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(Prize to promote up-and-coming teachers in higher education) The Prize for up-and-coming teachers in higher education is presented annually to scientists whose lectures at the Lecture Meeting fo Up-and-Coming Teachers in Higher Education have been specially commended.

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