IMRET 2018 set out to become once more the “place to be” where new developments regarding all facets of micro process engineering and flow chemistry will be jointly discussed for mutual benefit.
This meeting has been established to foster scientific exchange and cooperation between chemists, chemical engineers, and micro systems engineers – altogether fascinated by the new opportunities that microfluidics, micro fabrication, and micro systems engineering provide for making chemical reactors and processes more efficient, more compact, safer, and ultimately more economic, as well as to enable novel chemistry and process conditions which could be hardly handled in conventional equipment.
15th IMRET will take place in Karlsruhe/Germany from 21-24 October 2018, organised by DECHEMA e.V. with the support of the German ProcessNet Woking Group on Micro Process Engineering, the IMRET Steering Committee and the International Flow Chemistry Society.
Since 1997 the event has demonstrated a variety of new applications in chemical engineering, chemistry, related disciplines like energy supply, and even more different fields such as analytics, life science and medicine. Yet, as each of the involved disciplines has seen amazing progress, the mission of providing an effective platform for exchange is even more important.
You will find further information regarding Conference Programme Pre-Conference Workshop, Excursions, Exhibition, Online Registration and Social Programme on the following sites.
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