
GeCatS Infoday "CO2-Neutral Chemical Industry"

16. November 2021
DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt am Main

Traditionally, the chemical industry is associated with a carbon-based industry. Chemical products contain carbon in various forms, but, more significantly, the energy needed for the manufacturing processes is carbon-intensive, accounting for up to 30% of a product’s CO2 emissions. To achieve a CO2-neutral industry, several steps must be taken. Replacing coal- or oil-based electricity generation alone will not be sufficient. In addition, alternative production routes need to be established. Catalysis, which has become the technology of choice for many chemical reactions in the chemical industry, is expected to play a key role in developing solutions for this challenging task.

The GeCats Info Day will address several topics in the field of emerging catalytic technologies with the goal of achieving a CO2-neutral chemical industry. The lectures will first introduce a recent study by the German Chemical Industry Association (Verband der Chemischen Industrie, VCI) about different scenarios. Further talks will highlight different approaches investigated by industry as well as academia. Tools for measuring eco-efficiency will be discussed as well. In a final panel discussion, identified hurdles will be discussed, including potential research contributions from academia.



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