54. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker

16. - 19. März 2021
Online Event

The German Catalysis Meeting has established itself as one of the most important European catalysis events, covering all aspects from research on the fundamentals of catalysis, the understanding of catalytic processes, catalyst design to reaction engineering and industrial applications. In 2021, experts from universities, research institutes and industry will meet virtually to present their research, exchange their ideas and share new developments and the latest results in all areas of catalysis. The meeting will consist of lectures, poster presentations and discussions with plenty of room for direct exchange to ensure that the “Weimar spirit” and the inspiring scientific atmosphere continue into cyberspace.  

The conference has a double focus: To highlight state-of-the art research and development from theory to application, and to provide an opportunity for young scientists to present their scientific results, discuss their research with academic peers and build and expand a professional network. For the 2021 edition, renowned plenary speakers from academia and industry have been invited, setting additional highlights in the scientific programme of the conference.  Presentations will be organized in two parallel sessions throughout the event so that all fields of catalysis will be addressed. An industrial exhibition and several poster workshops will accompany the scientific programme. Additional exhibitor presentations and the YoungGeCatS programme offer in-depth information on technological developments and career options. And a virtual beer tasting gives plenty of opportunity to discuss regional specifics and tastes

The "Katalytikertreffen" started as a small meeting of individual researchers in East Germany, who discussed catalytic results and commenced initial collaborations with industry. Today it has become one of the hotspots for the European catalysis community.

We appreciate the numerous abstract submissions, which allowed us to set up an attractive programme consisting of six plenary lectures including the Otto Rolen Medal 2020 and the Alwin Mittasch Prize Winner 2021, 36 oral contributions. A large industrial exhibition accompanies the scientific programme and the YounGeCatS have organised five virtual poster shows.

Conference Programme


YounGeCatS evening

Beer Tasting

Information for Authors

Plenary Lecture




Virtual exhibitors

Dates to Note




Barbara Feißt
Telefon: +49 (0)69 7564-333

##GeCatS; #GeCatSgoesWeb


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