29th ATC: Industrial Inorganic Chemistry - Materials and Processes

Registration and Fees

Registration Fees1)

Participants from:Member2)Non-Member
Industry 485 € 500 €
Academia 280 € 295 €

Ph.D. Student / Student3)
(proof of status)

170 € 185 €

1) No VAT requested according to § 4.22 UStG, registration fee may include Business Package with VAT.
2) Personal DECHEMA-Members, VDI-GVC-Members und EFC/EFCE-Passport-holders
3) Proof of status

Online Registration

The DECHEMA terms and conditions for conferences apply. Please note that the following information are exerpts and supplements to the general terms and conditions.


Registration is possible up to the beginning of the conference. Confirmation of registration will be sent immediately by mail. You normally will receive the invoice, with payment confirmation, by post mail within two weeks.

Editorial deadline for the list of participants is 31 January 2020.

The registration fees include conference ticket, book of abstracts, list of participants, lunch and coffee breaks. All documents will be handed out on-site.

Traditionally, the participation of undergraduate and graduate students is fostered through granting reduced entry fares. University teachers also are allowed to bring in one graduate student for free. Details can be found when processing the registration.

Cancellation and Refunds

Cancellations are only accepted in writing (i.e. by fax, postal mail or e-mail).
Please find details about cancellation dates and fees in the general terms and conditions. In case of no-show the conference fees won't be refunded and fees not yet paid still have to be paid. 




Xueqing Wu
Telefon: +49 (0)69 7564-152

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