3D Cell Culture 2018



The conference will highlight latest developments in the 3D cell culture field: Advanced cell culture models for understanding of diseases and substance testing. Success stories: clinical and industrial applications of 3D cell culture systems. Innovative enabling technologies.


In the following you can download the programme:


Programme Overview

Tuesday, 05 June 2018



10:30 Welcome Address
Effects of Microenvironment

Chair: H. Hauser¹; ¹ Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig/D


Engineering organoid development
M. Lutolf¹; ¹ Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne/CH

11:20 Macromolecular crowding in 2D and 3D culture systems: creating of cell and stem cell specific microenvironments
M. Raghunath¹; N. Kohli¹; ¹ Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ICBT, Wädenswil/CH
11:40 Redefining cell culture environment with combinatorial biomatrices
A. Thomas¹; ¹ B CUBE Center for Molecular Bioengineering, Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering - TU Dresden,, Dresden/D
12:00 iPSC-derived neurospheroids recapitulate development and pathological signatures of brain microenvironment
A. Terrasso¹; D. Simão¹; N. Bayó-Puxan²; F. Arez¹; M. Silva¹; M. Sousa¹; S. Creysells³; P. Gomes-Alves¹; N. Raimundo⁴; E. Kremer³; P. Alves¹; C. Brito¹;
¹ iBET, Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Oeiras, Portugal; Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, Universidede Nova de Lisboa, Oeiras, Portugal;, Oeiras/P; ² Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB); Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier, CNRS UMR 5535; Université de Montpellier, Barcelona; Montpellier/E; ³ Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier, CNRS UMR 5535; Université de Montpellier, Montpellier/F; ⁴ Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Institut für Zellbiochemie, Göttingen/D
12:20 Expansion of mouse pancreatic organoids in a chemically defined three-dimensional matrix
N. Rischert¹; H. Wurst¹; T. Moreth²; L. Hof²; E. Stelzer²; M. Huch³; F. Pampaloni²; B. Angres¹; ¹ Cellendes GmbH, Reutlingen/D; ² Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main/D; ³ University of Cambridge, Cambridge/UK
12:40 Lunch Break / Posters / Exhibition
Imaging and Analytics

Chair: R. Pörtner¹; ¹ Hamburg University of Technology/D


Observing three-dimensional biological specimens with
light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy (LSFM)

E. H. K. Stelzer¹; ¹ Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences - Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main/D

 14:45 Image-based quantification of immunotherapies effects in 3D environment
K. Yan¹; L. Daszkiewicz¹; L. Price¹; ¹ OcellO B.V., Leiden/NL
 15:05 3D culture models for investigaing recruitment of stem cells to the vascular niche
Y. Atlas¹; C. Gorin2; C. Chaussain2; S. Germain1;  L. Muller¹;
¹ CIRB, Collège de France, Paris/F; 2 Decartes University, Dental School, Paris/F
 15:25 STATARRAYS©: microcavity arrays as a useful tool to detect single cell migration in a 4D co-culture model of human bone marrow
E. Gottwald¹; S. Giselbrecht¹; R. Truckenmüller¹; V. Colditz²; C. Nies²;
¹ 300MICRONS GmbH, Karlsruhe/D; ² Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe/D
 15:45  Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition
Predictive Model Systems

Chair: T. May¹; ¹InSCREENeX GmbH, Braunschweig/D


3D human liver spheroid systems for analyses of liver diseases, liver function, drug metabolism and toxicity
M. Ingelman-Sundberg¹; ¹ Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm/S

 17:00 Novel predictive 3D cultivation models for validating small molecules against KSHV infection
T. Dubich¹; C. Lipps¹; T. May²; M. Stadler¹; T. Schulz³; D. Wirth¹;
¹ Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig/D; ² InSCREENeX GmbH, Braunschweig/D; ³ Institute of Virology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover/D
 17:20 Three-dimensional tumor cell growth stimulates autophagic flux and recapitulates chemotherapy resistance
C. Bingel¹; E. Koeneke¹; J. Ridinger¹; A. Bittmann¹; M. Sill²; H. Peterziel¹; J. Wrobel¹; I. Rettig¹; T. Milde¹; U. Fernekorn³; F. Weise³; A. Schober³; O. Witt¹; I. Oehme⁴; ¹ CCU Pediatric Oncology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg/D; ² German Cancer Research Center DKFZ), Heidelberg/D; ³ Dpt of Nano-Biosystem Technology, TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau/D; ⁴ DKFZ Heidelberg, Heidelberg/D

Synthetic Biology-Inspired Treatment Strategies of the Future

M. Fussenegger¹; ¹ ETH Zurich, Zurich/CH

Poster Session / Poster Party (18:25 - 21:00)


Section Member Assembly (Room K3+K4 / 18:30 - 19:30)
DECHEMA Working Groups Cell Culture Technology and Medical Biotechnology



Wednesday, 06 June 2018



Advanced Models - Skin

Chair: U. Marx¹; ¹TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D

In vitro skin models for clinical research and transplantation
S. Gibbs¹; ¹ VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam/NL
09:45 Towards an immunocompetent skin model to study and develop materials for wound healing
C. Griffoni¹; B. Sentürk¹; M. Rottmar¹; K. Maniura¹; ¹ Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, St Gallen/CH
10:05 vascSkin-on-a-chip: combination strategies of human skin-equivalents
and vasculature

K. Schimek¹; A. Thomas²; T. Hasenberg³; G. Giese⁴; U. Marx³; R. Lauster⁴; G. Lindner⁴; ¹ Technische Universität Berlin, FG Medizinische Biotechnologie, Berlin/D; ² Cellbricks GmbH, Berlin/D; ³ TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D; ⁴ Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin/D
10:25 MUG-Mel2, a novel highly pigmented and well characterized NRAS mutated human melanoma cell line in 3D culture
B. Rinner¹; G. Gandolfi²; K. Meditz¹; M. Frisch¹; K. Wagner¹; A. Ciarrocchi²; F. Torricelli²; R. Koivuniemi³; J. Niklander³; B. Liegl-Atzwnager¹; B. Lohberger¹; E. Heitzer¹; N. Ghaffari-Tabrizi-Wizsy¹; D. Zweytick¹; I. Zalaudek¹
¹ Medical University of Graz, Graz/A; ² Laboratorio di Ricerca Traslazionale Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova - IRCCS, Reggio Emilia/I; ³ University of Helsinki, Helsinki/FIN
10:45 Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition
Advanced Models - Vascularization, Muscle

Chair: H. Ruffner¹; ¹Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel/CH

11:15 Pre-vascularized cell cultivation system to generate perfused 3D co-culture models
I. Prade¹; M. Busek²; M. Wiele¹; F. Sonntag²; M. Meyer¹; ¹ FILK gGmbH, Freiberg/D; ² Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik, Dresden/D 
11:35 Generation of 3D human cardiac macrotissues with tissue-like functionality
M. Valls-Margarit¹; O. Iglesias-García²; C. Di Guglielmo²; L. Sarlabous¹; R. Paoli¹; J. Comelles¹; D. Blanco-Almazán¹; S. Jiménez-Delgado²; O. Castillo-Fernández³; J. Samitier¹; R. Jané¹; E. Martínez¹; Á. Raya²; ¹ Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona/E; ² Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona, Barcelona/E; ³ Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona, Bellaterra/E

Advanced induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) screens
M. Müller¹; ¹ Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel/CH


Lunch / Posters / Exhibition

From Models to High Throughput

Chair: J. Kelm¹; ¹ Competence Centre TEDD, Wädenswil/CH

14:00 Merging high-content and high-throughput screening: Microphysiological Organ-on-a-Chip systems featuring complex human tissues with physiological structure and function
P. Loskill¹; ¹ Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart/D
14:20 Modification of a standardized 3D in vitro tumor-stroma model for high throughput screening of candidates of new tumor therapeutica
S. Hensler¹; C. Kühlbach¹; M. Mueller¹; ¹ HFU Hochschule Furtwangen, Villingen-Schwenningen/D
 14:40 Development of a matrix-based technology platform for the high throughput analysis of 3D cell cultures
M. Rimann¹; A. Picenoni¹; E. Bono¹; E. Felley-Bosco²; C. Hund³; R. Pellaux³; A. Meyer³; ¹ Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ICBT, Waedenswil/CH; ² Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Zurich University Hospital, Zurich/CH; ³ FGen GmbH, Basel/CH
 15:00 Magnetic 3D Bioprinting for High-Throughput Compound Screening and Translational Applications
G. Souza¹; G. Bartholomeusz²
¹ The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston/USA; ² UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston/USA
15:20 Simple and robust microfluidic platform for spheroid culturing in a high-throughput manner
J. Kim¹; H. Choi²
¹ Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Deagu/ROK; ² Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Daegu/ROK
15:40 Microtissues meet microfluidics – next generation microphysiological tilting system
K. Renggli¹; C. Lohasz¹; S. Bürgel¹; D. Fluri²; A. Hierlemann¹; O. Frey²
¹ ETH Zürich, Basel/CH; ² Insphero AG, Schlieren/CH

Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition

From Models to Clinical and Industrial Solutions

Chair: T. Noll¹; ¹ University of Bielefeld/D

The application of microphysiological systems in drug discovery using case studies from safety and efficacy questions
L. Ewart¹; ¹ AstraZeneca, Cambridge/UK
17:15 Bringing 3D Tumor Models to the clinic
– predictive value for personalized medicine

K. Halfter¹; B. Mayer²; ¹ SpheroTec GmbH, Munich/D; ² Hospital of the LMU Munich, Munich/D
17:35 Single-donor iPSC derived Multi-Organ-Chips
A. Ramme¹; L. Koenig¹; D. Faust¹; A. Krebs¹; T. Hasenberg¹; E. Dehne¹; U. Marx¹;
¹ TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D
17:55 Rethinking Drug Development - 3D Disease Models for Advanced Preclinical Drug Evaluation
M. Schäfer-Korting¹; S. Hedtrich¹; V. Kral¹; G. Weindl¹; J. Plendl¹; C. Thöne-Reineke¹; B. Kleuser²; R. Preissner³; A. Pries³; A. Volkamer³; R. Lauster⁴; A. Luch⁵; G. Schönfelder⁵; M. Weber⁶; ¹ Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin/D; ² Potsdam University, Potsdam/D; ³ Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin/D; ⁴ Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin/D; ⁵ Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin/D; ⁶ Zuse Institute Berlin, Berlin/D
18:15 End of Lecture Programme
Conference Dinner(click BUTTON for DETAILS)
Schlossbergrestaurant Dattler
Am Schlossberg 1
79104 Freiburg


Thursday, 07 June 2018



Advanced Models - From Liver to LUNG

Chair: M. Rimann¹; ¹ Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil/CH

09:00 Metabolic cross talk between human pancreatic islet and liver spheroids in a microphysiological system - Towards a novel human ex vivo model of Type 2 Diabetes
S. Bauer¹; C. Wennberg Huldt²; K. Kanebratt²; I. Durieux¹; D. Gunne¹; S. Andersson²; L. Ewart³; W. Haynes²; I. Maschmeyer¹; A. Winter¹; C. Ämmälä⁴; U. Marx¹; T. Andersson⁴; ¹ TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D; ² AstraZeneca, Mölndal/S; ³ AstraZeneca, Cambridge/UK; ⁴ AstraZeneca, Mölndal/D
09:20 Mimicking human physiology at Transwell-based barrier models of the proximal tubulus – The ZEBRA-Chip
F. Schmieder¹; D. Förster²; M. Hempel¹; J. Sradnick²; B. Hohenstein²; F. Sonntag¹;
¹ Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden/D; ² Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Dresden/D

Human and mouse intestinal organoids as model system for studying

drug transport
T. Zietek¹; ;E. Rath²; F. Reichart³; H. Kessler³; G. Ceyhan⁴, I. Demir⁴, H. Daniel¹;

¹ Technische Universität München, Freising/D; ²TUM ZIEL Institute for Food & Health, Freising/D; ³TUM Institute for Advanced Study, Garching/D; ⁴Dept. of Surgery, Klinikum rechts der Isar, München, Germany

10:00 Microstructured 3D model of small intestine epithelium: breaking the mold
M. García-Díaz¹; A. G. Castaño¹; G. Altay¹; N. Torras¹; R. Martin-Venegas²; R. Ferrer¹; E. Martínez¹; ¹ Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona/E; ² Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona/E
10:20 Long-term culture of rat Precision-Cut Lung Slices using Lab-on-Chip technology as an ex vivo system with prolonged viability
S. Konzok¹; S. Dehmel¹; V. Neuhaus¹; J. Labisch¹; S. Grünzner²; F. Sonntag²; A. Braun¹; K. Sewald¹; ¹ Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine ITEM, Hannover/D; ² Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS / Dresden University of Technology, Dresden/D

Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition

Safety and Toxicity Testing

Chair: U. Marx¹; ¹ TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D


Advanced cell models, organs on a chip & microphysiological systems in drug safety assessment: the need, the vision – and challenges to overcome
A. Roth¹; ¹ F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Basel/CH

12:00 A Novel 3D Human Liver Fibrosis Model for Anti-fibrotic Drug Discovery and Safety Testing
P. Guye¹, S. Messner¹; ¹ Insphero AG, Schlieren/CH
12:20 Bioprinted kidney model to assess nephrotoxicity
M. Nosswitz¹; M. Rimann²; N. Hernando³; C. Wagner³; U. Graf-Hausner¹; M. Raghunath¹; ¹ Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ICBT, Waedenswil/CH; ² Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ICBT, Wädenswil/CH; ³ University of Zurich, Zurich/CH
12:40 Microfluidic Platform for Advanced Embryotoxicity Testing in vitro
J. Boos¹; A. Michlmayr¹; K. Renggli¹; O. Frey²; A. Hierlemann³; ¹ ETH Zürich, D-BSSE Basel, Basel/CH; ² Insphero AG, Schlieren/CH; ³ ETH Zürich, D-BSSE Basel, Basel/CH
Closing remarks

Lunch / Posters / Exhibition

14:15 End of the Conference



Poster Programme, 05 - 07 June 2018

1.1 Advanced cell culture models


Advanced physiologically relevant 3D models for pre-clinical screening
D. Sabino¹; I. Fixe¹; A. Foucher¹; F. Carpentier¹; M. Rochet¹; I. Topin¹; E. Mennesson¹; N. Normand¹; ¹ tebu-bio, Le Perray en Yvelines/F


Evaluation of EGFR induced on-target and target-mediated adverse effects in a microfluidic 3D human lung tumour – full thickness skin co-culture model
J. Hübner¹; M. Raschke²; I. Rütschle¹; S. Schnurre²; S. Gräßle¹; I. Maschmeyer¹; U. Marx¹; T. Steger-Hartmann²; ¹ TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D; ² Bayer AG, Berlin/D


A 3D High-Content Screening assay as model system for polycystic kidney disease
H. Bange¹; T. Booij²; W. Leonhard³; K. Yan¹; D. Peters³; L. Price¹; ¹ OcellO B.V., Leiden/NL; ² LACDR, Leiden University, Leiden/NL; ³ Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden/NL


Parallelized Heart-on-a-chip with integrated Force Sensing incorporating human iPS-derived cardiac microtissues
C. Probst¹; O. Schneider¹; S. Fuchs¹; P. Loskill¹; ¹ Fraunhofer IGB, Stuttgart/D


Establishment of an advanced in vitro model to study nanomaterial-intestinal barrier interactions
C. Hempt¹; C. Hirsch¹; M. Kucki¹; P. Wick¹; T. Buerki-Thurnherr¹; ¹ Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, St.Gallen/CH


The Ocular DynaMiTES – A dynamic microfluidic in vitro system with improved predictability of ocular drug absorption
N. Beißner¹; K. Mattern²; A. Dietzel²; S. Reichl¹; ¹ TU Braunschweig/ Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie, Braunschweig/D; ² TU Braunschweig/ Institut für Mikrotechnik, Braunschweig/D


Cell Processing in Microreactors: Real-time Monitoring of Cell Metabolism Using Sensor Particles and Surface Based, Gentle Cell Detachment
K. Uhlig¹; C. Gehre²; S. Prill²; M. Stahl²; C. Duschl²; E. Schmälzlin³; L. Dähne⁴; T. Hellweg⁵; ¹ Fraunhofer-Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie IZI, Potsdam/D; ² Fraunhofer-Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology, Potsdam/D; ³ Colibri Photonics GmbH, Potsdam/D; ⁴ Surflay Nanotec GmbH, Berlin/D; ⁵ Bielefeld University, Bielefeld/D


Evaluation of a Novel Cell Culture Platform with Various Barrier Forming Cells for Dynamic Cultivation
S. Hinkel¹; K. Mattern²; A. Dietzel²; S. Reichl¹; C. Müller-Goymann¹;
¹ TU Braunschweig/ Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie, Braunschweig/D; ² TU Braunschweig/ Institut für Mikrotechnik, Braunschweig/D


Ready-to-use 3D spheroid culture as a standard tool
I. Prieto¹; ¹ StemTek Therapeutics, DERIO/E


Dual targeting of prognostic biomarkers in the 3D microtumor model of advanced colorectal cancer
C. Ilmberger¹; O. Hoffmann¹; J. Gülden²; T. Bühl²; J. Werner²; B. Mayer²; ¹ SpheroTec GmbH, Munich/D; ² Hospital of the LMU Munich, Munich/D


Permeation Measurement for 3D Skin Culture in a Membrane Insert System
H. Hsu¹; K. Schimek²; U. Marx³; R. Pörter⁴; ¹ Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg/D; ² Department Medical Biotechnology of Biotechnology, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin/D; ³ TissUse GmbH - TU Berlin, Berlin/D; ⁴ Institute of Bioprocess- and Biosystems Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg/D


Preservation of tumor architecture and heterogeneity in long-term cultures of patient-derived explants
S. Abreu¹; S. da Mata²; F. Silva³; M. Teixeira¹; T. Franchi Mendes¹; R. Fonseca⁴; B. Filipe²; S. Morgado²; I. Francisco²; M. Mesquita²; C. Albuquerque²; J. Serpa⁵; P. Chaves²; I. Rosa²; A. Felix⁵; E. R. Boghaert⁶; V. E. Santo¹; C. Brito¹; ¹ iBET/ITQB-NOVA, Oeiras/P; ² IPOLFG, Lisboa/P; ³ CEDOC-FCM-NOVA, Lisboa/P; ⁴ IPOLFG and FMUL, Lisboa/P; ⁵ IPOLFG and CEDOC-FCM-NOVA, Lisboa/P; ⁶ AbbVie, Chicago/USA

P1.1.13 Establishment of a murine intestinal tissue model based on immortalized primary epithelial cells
C. Fey¹; T. Truschel²; M. Schweinlin¹; H. Walles³; T. May²; M. Metzger³
¹ Department of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERM), University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg/D; ² InSCREENeX GmbH, Braunschweig/D; ³ Translational Center Würzburg “Regenerative Therapies for Oncology and Musculoskeletal Diseases” (TZKME), Würzburg branch of the Fraunhofer Institute of Silicate Research (ISC), Würzburg/D
P1.1.14 Development of a human epidermal burn wound model
V. Schneider¹; ¹ Uniklinik Würzburg, Würzburg/D
P1.1.15 Initial screening of novel copolymer micelles for biocompatibility and effects on cell motility
Y. Yordanov¹; D. Aluani¹; B. Tzankov¹; V. Tzankova¹; R. Kalinova²; I. Dimitrov³; V. Bankova⁴; M. Popova⁴; B. Trusheva⁴; K. Yoncheva¹
¹ Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Sofia, Sofia/BG; ² Institute of Polymers, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sliven/BG; ³ Institute of Polymers, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia/BG; ⁴ Institute of Organic Chemistry with Center for Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia/BG
P1.1.16 An injectable hybrid hydrogel for tissue engineering applications
R. Wittig¹; B. Baumann²; M. Lindén²
¹ Institute for Laser Technologies in Medicine & Metrology (ILM) at Ulm University, Ulm/D; ² Institute for Inorganic Chemistry II, Ulm University, Ulm/D
P1.1.17 A tissue engineered Full Thickness Skin Equivalent based on a non-contracting, biophysical optimised collagen type-I hydrogel
P. Fey¹; C. Reuter²; T. Finger¹; M. Engstler²; H. Walles³; F. Groeber-Becker¹
¹ Fraunhofer ISC - Translationszentrum für Regenerative Therapien TLZ-RT, Würzburg/D; ² Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Würzburg/D; ³ Universitätsklinikum Würzburg, Würzburg/D
P1.1.18 Cell on cell – functionally immortalized smooth muscle cells as building blocks for 3D tissues
A. Bleisch¹; ¹ InSCREENeX GmbH, Braunschweig/D
P1.1.19 Evaluation of local inflammatory reactions following subcutaneous injection of a pro-inflammatory cocktail in a fully human ex vivo skin model
C. Jardet¹; E. Pagès¹; E. Raude²; F. Seeliger³; L. Brandén³; E. Braun¹; M. Ingeslten³; P. Descargues⁴
¹ GENOSKIN SAS, Toulouse/F; ² LAAS CNRS, Toulouse/F; ³ Drug Safety and Metabolism, iMED Biotech Unit, Astra Zeneca, Gothenburg/S; ⁴ Genoskin Inc., Boston (MA)/USA
P1.1.20 A microchip array-based 3D culture system for the in vitro differentiation
of osteoblasts

W. Zhang¹; P. Tomakidi²; T. Steinberg²; R. Kohal³; E. Gottwald⁴; B. Altmann¹
¹ G.E.R.N., Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau/D; ² Department of Oral Biotechnology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau/D; ³ Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau/D; ⁴ 300MICRONS GmbH, Karlsruhe/D
P1.1.21 Automating 3D cell culture using a wood-derived hydrogel
L. Paasonen¹; ¹ UPM-Kymmene Corporation, Helsini/FIN
P1.1.22 Combining pluripotent stem cell-derived models of the blood-brain barrier with Multi-Organ-Chip systems
L. Koenig¹; A. Ramme¹; D. Faust¹; E. Dehne¹; U. Marx¹; ¹ TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D
P1.1.23 Microspheres-based scaffolds from poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) for 3D cell growth
D. Chesnokova¹; I. Zharkova¹; A. Bonartsev¹; V. Voinova¹
¹ Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Moscow/RUS
P1.1.24 In vitro 3D bladder cancer model using PDX-derived cells
R. Amaral¹; A. Ma²; H. Zhang²; K. Swiech¹; C. Pan²
¹ University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto/BR; ² University of California Davis, Sacramento/USA
1.2 Innovative disease models


A tissue engineering approach to model Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
N. Lodes¹; H. Walles²; S. Hackenberg³; H. Hebestreit⁴; M. Steinke²; ¹ University Hospital Würzburg, Chair of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Würzburg/D; ² University Hospital Würzburg, Chair of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research, Translational Center Regenerative Therapies, Würzburg/D; ³ University Hospital Würzburg, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Head and Neck, Würzburg/D; ⁴ University Hospital Würzburg, Department of Paediatrics, Würzburg/D


Characterisation of Bordetella pertussis virulence mechanisms using engineered human airway tissue models
D. Kessie¹; ¹ Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Würzburg/D

P1.2.03 Establishment and initial characterization of a simple 3D organotypic wound healing model
S. Hensler¹; C. Kühlbach²; J. Parente³; S. Krueger-Ziolek⁴; K. Moeller⁴; M. Mueller²
¹ HS Furtwangen, Villingen-Schwenningen/D; ² Molecular Cell Biology Lab, Institute of Technical Medicine, HFU Furtwangen, Villingen-Schwenningen/D; ³ Institute of Technical Medicine, HFU Furtwangen University, Villingen-SChwenningen/D; ⁴ Institute of Technical Medicine, HFU Furtwangen University, Villingen-Schwenningen/D
P1.2.04 Novel 3D tumour models with stromal components to evaluate the efficacy of immunotherapy with gene-engineered ROR1-specific CAR T cells
J. Kühnemundt¹
¹ University Hospital Würzburg, Department of Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine, Würzburg, Germany;, Würzburg/D
P1.2.05 Evaluation of pharmacological responses in InflammaSkin®, a fully human full-thickness ex vivo skin model reproducing key features of psoriatic lesions
P. Lovato¹; C. Jardet²; E. PAGES²; A. David²; E. Braun²; H. Norsgaard¹; P. Descargues³
¹ LEO Pharma, Ballerup/DK; ² GENOSKIN SAS, Toulouse/F; ³ Genoskin Inc., Boston (MA)/USA
P1.2.06 Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSc)-derived hepatocyte organoids to study liver size control
E. Saponara¹; ¹ Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research, Basel/CH
1.3 Complex and multi-cell type models


Using the Real Architecture For 3D Tissue (3D RAFT™) System as a Versatile Tool to Build in vitro Epithelial Barrier Models
T. Willstaedt¹; J. Langer¹; S. Schaepermeier²; S. Buesch²; T. D'Souza¹; L. Hussain¹; J. Schroeder²; ¹ Lonza Walkersville Inc., Walkersville, MD/USA; ² Lonza Cologne GmbH, Cologne/D


Towards a three-dimensional microfluidic in vitro model to assess efficacy & safety of immune-stimulatory antibody drugs
R. Nudischer¹; C. Bertinetti-Lapatki²; C. Claus³; K. Renggli⁴; C. Lohasz⁴; O. Frey⁵; A. Hierlemann⁴; A. Roth²; ¹ F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Basel/CH; ² Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Basel, Basel/CH; ³ Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Zürich, Schlieren/CH; ⁴ ETH Zürich, D-BSSE Basel, Basel/CH; ⁵ Insphero AG, Schlieren/CH


MSCs Isolation in 3D cell culture conditions: challenges, modeling and perspectives.
D. Egger¹; M. Kirsch²; T. Scheper²; A. Lavrentieva²; C. Kasper³; ¹ Department of Biotechnology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/A; ² Institute of Technical Chemistry, Leibniz University Hanover, Hannover/D; ³ Department of Biotechnology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/D


Retina-on-a-Chip: Merging Organoid and Organ-on-a-Chip technology for complex multi-layer tissue models
J. Chuchuy¹; K. Achberger²; C. Probst¹; J. Haderspeck³; J. Rogal¹; S. Liebau²; P. Loskill¹; ¹ Fraunhofer IGB, Stuttgart/D; ² Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen/D; ³ Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Stuttgart/D


WAT-on-a-Chip: Microphysiological systems integrating white adipose tissue
J. Rogal¹; C. Binder²; E. Rubiu²; C. Probst²; K. Schenke-Layland³; P. Loskill¹;
¹ Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB & Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Stuttgart/D; ² Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart/D; ³ Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB & Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Tübingen/D


High content screening of intestinal organoid cultures to visualize and quantify immune responses
M. Madej¹; B. Herpers¹; L. Salinaro¹; K. Yan¹; L. Daszkiewicz¹; L. Price¹;
¹ OcellO B.V., Leiden/NL


3D co-cultivation of beta cells and mesenchymal stromal/stem cells for diabetes therapy
F. Petry¹; P. Czermak¹; D. Salzig¹; ¹ Institute of Bioprocess Engineering and Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen, Gießen/D


Modeling tumor microenvironment to address the dynamics of tumor, stromal and immune cell interactions
S. Rebelo¹; C. Brito²; D. Simão³
¹ iBET/ITQBAX-UNL, Oeiras/P; ² iBET, Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Oeiras, Portugal; Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, Universidede Nova de Lisboa, Oeiras, Portugal;, Oeiras/P; ³ iBET, Oeiras/P

P1.3.09 Development of a 3D spheroid SK-MEL-28 tumor model and its characterisation
J. Klicks¹; R. Rudolf¹; M. Hafner¹; ¹ Hochschule Mannheim, Mannheim/D
P1.3.10 Trace Amines and Fatty Acids are Essential Endogenous Signaling Factors for β-Cell Activity and Insulin Secretion
S. Hauke¹; C. Schultz²; ¹ European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg/D; ² Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), Portland, OR/USA
P1.3.11 In vitro vascularization of a human bone marrow model.
K. Keskin¹; S. Sieber¹; U. Marx²; R. Lauster¹; M. Rosowski¹
¹ Technische Universität Berlin, FG Medizinische Biotechnologie, Berlin/D; ² TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D
P1.3.12 Development and characterization of PDX-derived 3D tumor microtissues as platform for screening targeted molecular therapeutics
F. Chiovaro¹; N. Buschmann²; I. Agarkova²; A. Maier³; S. Messner²; J. Schueler³; P. Guye²; ¹ InSphero AG, Schlieren/CH; ² Insphero AG, Schlieren/CH; ³ Charles River, Freiburg im Breisgau/D
P1.3.13 Imitation of the long-lived plasma cell survival niche of the human bone marrow in vitro
Z. Uyar¹; S. Sieber¹; U. Marx²; R. Lauster¹; M. Rosowski¹
¹ Technische Universität Berlin
P1.3.14 Development of a Cardiac Organoid Culture System with hiPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes
M. Schulze¹ ; B. Ulmer¹ ; M. Lemoine¹ ; A. Fischer¹ ; T. Eschenhagen¹;
¹ University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
P1.3.15 Neuronal differentiation of human iPSCs in 3DProSeed hydrogel well plate and establishment of glia co-cultures
S. de Leeuw¹; V. Milleret²; B. Simona³; R. Urbanet²; M. Ehrbar²; C. Tackenberg¹
¹ Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University of Zürich, Schlieren/CH; ² Department of Obstetrics, University hospital Zürich, Zürich/CH; ³ Ectica Technologies AG, Zürich/CH
P1.3.16 Contractile work contributes to maturation of energy metabolism in hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes
B. Ulmer¹; A. Stoehr²; M. Schulze¹; S. Patel³; M. Gucek³; I. Mannhardt¹; S. Funcke¹; E. Murphy³; T. Eschenhagen¹; A. Hansen¹
¹ UKE, Hamburg/D; ² Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge/S; ³ National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda/USA
P1.3.17 Development of microvascular structures inside porous fibrin coated polydioxanon and PLLA/PLGA scaffolds
S. Heene¹; S. Thoms¹; R. Jonczyk¹; T. Scheper¹; C. Blume¹
¹ Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover/D
1.4 Predictivity and validation


Patient-derived 3D tumor cultures for clinical diagnostics and pre-clinical drug development.
S. Basten¹; B. Herpers¹; K. Yan¹; T. Giesemann²; J. Schueler²; W. Vader³; L. Price⁴;
¹ OcellO B.V., Leiden/NL; ² Charles River, Freiburg/D; ³ Vitroscan B.V., Leiden/NL; ⁴ OcellO B.V., Leiden/D


Detailed Cell-Material Interactions in 3D Cell Culture Systems
R. Harjumäki¹; R. Nugroho²; J. Valle-Delgado²; Y. Lou¹; M. Yliperttula¹; M. Österberg²; ¹ University of Helsinki, Helsinki/FIN; ² Aalto University, Espoo/FIN


Towards controlling the mobility of flowing cells in a hanging-drop network for microphysiological systems
N. Rousset¹; M. de Geus¹; A. Kaestli¹; K. Renggli¹; A. Hierlemann¹;
¹ ETH Zürich, D-BSSE Basel, Basel/CH

2.1 Translation of models to solutions


Three-dimensional in vitro co-culture model for nanoparticle-mediated transfection
V. Sokolova¹; N. Bialas¹; L. Rojas¹; M. Epple¹;
¹ Inorganic Chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen/D


Microphysiological system based on human liver microtissues for intrinsic clearance prediction
F. Hürlimann¹; S. Mannino²; C. Lohasz³; K. Renggli³; A. Hierlemann³; L. Suter-Dick²; O. Frey¹; ¹ InSphero AG, Schlieren/CH; ² University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Muttenz/CH; ³ ETH Zürich, D-BSSE, Basel/CH

2.2 Clinical applications


Silencing GALNT1 or GALNT2 suppresses malignant phenotypes of pancreatic cancer cells
T. Yeh¹; M. Huang²; ¹ National Taiwan University College of Medicine, 桃園市/RC; ² National Taiwan University College of Medicine, TAIPEI/RC


Production of clinical grade temporary epidermal substitute obtained from hESC derived keratinocytes for the treatment of sickle cell leg ulcers: a challenge for regenerative medicine
S. Domingues¹; Y. Masson¹; A. Poulet¹; M. Saidani¹; J. Polentes¹; G. Lemaitre¹; M. Peschanski¹; C. Baldeschi¹; ¹ ISTEM/CECS, Corbeil-Essonnes/F

P2.2.03 Establishment of a Novel Functional in Vitro Assay to Investigate the Angiogenic Potential of Colonic Adenocarcinomas
S. Bring Truelsen¹; G. Hagel¹; N. Mousavi²; H. Harling²; K. Qvortrup²; O. Thastrup¹; J. Thastrup¹
¹ 2cureX A/S, Birkerød/DK; ² University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen/DK
3.1 Innovative, advanced analytics
P3.1.01 Imaging oxygen gradients in cell aggregates and in spheroids
R. Meier¹; R. Meier¹; ¹ PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg/D
P3.1.02 Application of video analysis for the evaluation of cardiac contractility in different in vitro model systems including freshly isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes and human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes in 2D- and 3D-culture
P. Beauchamp¹; S. Adrian²; S. Longnus²; T. Suter²; C. Zuppinger³
¹ Bern University, Bern/CH; ² Bern University Hospital, Bern/CH;
³ University Hospital Bern, Bern/CH
3.2 Specific assay development


Microfluidics: a powerful tool to recreate in vivo environment
C. Vergne¹; B. Rouffet²; S. Renard³; M. Verhulsel²;
¹ Fluigent, Villejuif/FP; ² Fluigent, Villejuif/F; ³ Fluigent GmbH, Jena/D


An assay to characterize the impact of cigarette smoke exposure on mucociliary clearance in-vitro.
S. Frentzel¹; L. Ortega Torres¹; S. Majeed¹; P. Leroy¹; F. Zanetti¹; M. van der Toorn¹; M. Peitsch¹; J. Hoeng¹; ¹ Philip Morris Products S.A., Neuchatel/CH


Minimalistic hydrogel matrices to direct early neural progenitors from pluripotent stem cells in 3D culture
A. Meinhardt¹; A. Ranga²; E. Tanaka³; M. Lutolf⁴; C. Werner⁵; ¹ Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials Dresden, Dresden/D; ² KU Leuven, Leuven/B; ³ Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna/A; ⁴ Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne/CH; ⁵ Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials Dresden, and Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, TU Dresden, Dresden/D


Real-Time Assay for Apoptosis using Complementation of Annexin V Luciferase Subunits
T. Riss¹; K. Kupcho¹; J. Shultz¹; J. Hartnett¹; R. Hurst¹; W. Zhou²; R. Akiyoshi³; A. Niles¹; ¹ Promega Corporation, Madison/USA; ² Promega Biosciences, San Louis Obispo/USA; ³ Olympus Corporation, Tokyo/J


Benefits of Real-Time Measurements of Cell Health in 2D or 3D Using a Plate Reader
T. Riss¹; ¹ Promega Corporation, Madison/USA


Volume Regulation of HaCaT Spheroids in Response to Hypotonic Stimuli
E. von Molitor¹; ¹ Hochschule Mannheim, Mannheim/D


Calcium signals in taste-bud like 3D cultures
T. Cesetti¹; E. von Molitor¹; R. Rudolf¹; M. Hafner¹; P. Scholz²; K. Riedel²
¹ Hochschule Mannheim, Mannheim/D; ² BRAIN AG, Zwingenberg/D

3.3 New devices for 3D cell culture


Scaffold-Free Aggregate Cultivation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Stirred Tank Bioreactor
C. Kasper¹; D. Egger²; I. Schwedhelm³; J. Hansmann³; ¹ Boku, Vienna/A; ² DBT - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna/A; ³ Translational Center, University Hospital Wuerzburg, Würzburg/D


Guiding 3D cell migration in deformed synthetic hydrogel micro-structures
M. Dietrich¹; H. Le Roy²; D. Brückner³; H. Engelke⁴; R. Zantl⁵; J. Rädler⁶; C. Broedersz³; ¹ Faculty of Physics and Center for NanoScience, Ludwig-Maximilians-University and ibidi GmbH, Munich/D; ² École Normale supérieure Paris-Saclay, Cachan/F; ³ Arnold-Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics and Center for NanoScience, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich/D; ⁴ Department of Chemistry and Center for NanoScience, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich/D; ⁵ ibidi GmbH, Martinsried/D; ⁶ Faculty of Physics and Center for NanoScience, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich/D


Scaffold-Free Aggregate Cultivation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Stirred Tank Bioreactor
C. Kasper¹; ¹ University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Vienna/A


Development, Characterization and Application of a Parallelizable Perfusion Bioreactor for 3D Cell Culture
D. Egger¹; M. Fischer¹; A. Clementi¹; J. Hansmann²; C. Kasper³; ¹ University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Vienna/A; ² University Hospital Wuerzburg, Würzburg/D; ³ University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Vienna/D


A modular perfusion microbioreactor system for oxygen level control and optimization for bone tissue engineering
J. Schmid¹; M. Schieker²; R. Huber¹; ¹ University of Applied Sciences Munich, Munich/D; ² Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich (LMU), Munich/D


Gelatin-based hydrogels for 3D cell culture: stability at physiological temperatures by UV-crosslinking or nanoparticles
K. Kruppa¹; A. Lavrentieva²; T. Scheper¹; I. Pepelanova³; ¹ Institute of Technical Chemistry, Leibniz University Hanover, Hannover/D; ² Institute of Technical Chemistry/Leibniz University Hanover, Hannover/D; ³ Institute of Technical Chemistry, Hannover/D


A tubing-free, microfluidic tilting platform for the realization of in vivo-like drug exposure scenarios for three-dimensional microtissues
C. Lohasz¹; O. Frey²; K. Renggli¹; A. Hierlemann¹; ¹ ETH Zürich, Basel/CH; ² Insphero AG, Schlieren/CH


Organ-on-a-Disc – Enabling technology for the parallelization and automation of microphysiological systems
S. Schneider¹; O. Schneider¹; F. Erdemann¹; C. Probst¹; P. Loskill¹; ¹ Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart/D


Porous, ultralight 3D tubular scaffolds from short electrospun nanofibers
M. Merk¹; C. Adlhart¹; ¹ ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Wädenswil/CH


Enhanced cardiomyocyte maturation in a microfluidic system as a potential platform for pharmacological screening
T. Kolanowski¹; M. Busek²; S. Grünzner³; F. Sonntag²; K. Guan¹; ¹ TU Dresden, Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Dresden/D; ² Fraunhofer Institute of Material and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden/D; ³ Fraunhofer Institute of Material and Beam Technology IWS; TU Dresden, Faculty of Manufacturing Technology, Dresden/D


Autonomous Plug&Play Multi-Organ-Chips with Integrated Pumping and Sensing
F. Sonntag¹; C. Probst²; S. Grünzner³; M. Busek⁴; P. Loskill⁵; ¹ Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik IWS, Dresden/D; ² Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart/D; ³ Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS / Dresden University of Technology, Dresden/D; ⁴ Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden/D; ⁵ Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB / Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Stuttgart/D


vasQchip: A blood vessel scaffold for the reconstruction and 3D bioprinting of 3D-tissues in vitro
U. Schepers¹; ¹ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/D


A non-invasive microscopy platform for the online monitoring of human induced pluripotent stem cell aggregation in suspension cultures in small-scale stirred tank bioreactors
I. Schwedhelm¹; D. Egger²; P. Wiedemann³; T. Schwarz⁴; H. Walles¹; J. Hansmann⁴
¹ University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg/D; ² University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/A; ³ Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim/D; ⁴ Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC, Würzburg/D


Comparison of 2D and 3D cultures of primary hepatocytes on hepatocellular functions and hepatotoxicity
H. Dinter¹; A. Ullrich²; D. Runge²
¹ Hochschule Biberach, Biberach/D; ² Primacyt Cell Culture Technology GmbH, Schwerin/D

P3.3.15 Funnel-Guided Positioning of Multi-cellular Microtissues to Build Macrotissues
K. Manning¹; A. Thomson²; J. Morgan²
¹ Brown University, Providence, RI/USA; ² Brown University, Providence/USA
P3.3.16 A novel 3D microwell array for analysis of adhesion independent micro-tumours
A. Thomsen¹; C. Aldrian²; Y. Thomann³; A. Grosu²; P. Bronsert⁴; M. Leu⁵; P. Lund⁶
¹ University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg/D; ² Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Freiburg/D; ³ Freiburg Material Research Center and Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry, Freiburg/D; ⁴ Institute for Surgical Pathology, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Freiburg/D; ⁵ abc biopply ag, Solothurn/CH; ⁶ Department of Radiation Oncology, Ortenau-Klinikum, Offenburg/D
P3.3.17 Integration of 3d printed hollow hydrogel fiber with microfluidic system to develop a perfusable nephron model.
A. Akkineni¹; D. Förster²; J. Sardnick²; F. Schmieder³; F. Sonntag³; M. Gelinsky¹; A. Lode¹
¹ Centre for Translational Bone, Joint and Soft Tissue Research, TU Dresden, Dresden/D; ² University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden, Dresden/D; ³ Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden/D
3.5 High-throughput and automatisation


Impedance analysis of viability of Schistosoma mansoni larvae for drug screening application
M. Modena¹; K. Chawla¹; F. Lombardo²; S. Burgel¹; G. Panic²; J. Keiser²; A. Hierlemann¹; ¹ ETH Zürich; ² University of Basel


Magnetic 3D Bioprinting for High-Throughput and Automated Hepatotoxicity Testing
G. Souza¹; B. Larson²; ¹ The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston/USA; ² Biotek Instruments, Inc., Winooski/USA


Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Nanoparticles using Automatic 3D Cell Culture System
M. Heo¹
¹ Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon/ROK


Automated large-scale production and deposition of spheroids
K. Tröndle¹; ¹ University of Freiburg, Technical Faculty, Freiburg/D

3.6 3D printing


Characterization of GelMa and alginate hydrogels for bioprinting:
printability, polymerization and biocompatibility

L. Raddatz¹; C. Schmitz¹; P. Gellermann¹; M. Kirsch¹; D. Geier²; S. Beutel¹; T. Becker²; T. Scheper³; I. Pepelanova¹; A. Lavrentieva¹; ¹ Institute of Technical Chemistry, Leibniz University Hanover, Hannover/D; ² Institute of Brewing and Beverage Technology, Forschungszentrum Weihenstephan, Technical University Munich, Munich/D; ³ Institute of Technical Chemistry/Leibniz University Hanover, Hannover/D


Engineering bio-mimetic vasculature with photolithographic
fabrication techniques

A. Thomas¹; K. Schimek¹; G. Giese²; A. Kreuder¹; T. Grix¹; L. Kloke³;
¹ Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin/D; ² Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin/D; ³ Cellbricks GmbH, Berlin/D


Characterisation of bioprinted mandibular osteoblasts for engineering an
in vitro jaw bone model

A. Amler¹; A. Thomas¹; T. Grix¹; R. Lauster¹; L. Kloke²
¹ TU Berlin, Berlin/D; ² Cellbricks GmbH, Berlin/D


3D Bioprinting of hydrogels for viral Infection and transduction with
viral gene vectors

T. Hiller¹; ¹ TU Berlin, Berlin/D


3D-printed drug delivery systems for cell therapy:
A new approach for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

A. Pössl¹; P. Schlupp¹; T. Schmidts¹; F. Runkel¹
¹ Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Gießen/D


Imaging of O2 concentration and spatial distribution in
3D bioprinted hydrogel scaffolds using O2 sensing nanoparticles

A. Akkineni¹; A. Lode¹; E. Trampe²; K. Koren²; F. Krujatz¹; M. Kühl²; M. Gelinsky¹
¹ Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden/D; ² University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen/DK

P3.6.08 Modelling of a microfluidic device to study tumor cell extravasation
C. Kühlbach¹; R. Glunz¹; M. Mueller¹; F. Baganz²; V. Hass¹
¹ HFU Hochschule Furtwangen University, Villingen-Schwenningen/D; ² UCL University College London, London/UK


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